Sunday, June 19, 2011

Posted by Raquel on Mar 29th, 2011 and filed under Archive. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry


      This is an article which I wrote 90 days ago and is more valid today than it ever was. Our lying thieving, racist, anti-Semite and an embarrassment to America and this most respected office in the entire world President Barack Hussein Obama has again ignored the Constitution of the United States of America. He first violated the Constitution by committing an act of war against Libya for as he stated "humanitarian purposes". In the constitution it states In Article one Section Eight;  "The Congress shall have Power To Declare War". I don't care what your reasoning is or what slick little name they come up with ,if you drop bombs on a country for 90 day''s and murder thousands of people you have committed an act of war. Using the War Powers Act did not apply, Libya was not attacking us. Again using the War Powers Act The Chief Butcher of the United States was supposed to get authorization from Congress to go past 90 days, but the only President to make Jimmy Carter look good is totally ignoring Congress and the Constitution
     The man should be tried for war crimes and treason. He should be shot and hung......MJ

By: Mark A. Joppa (Mark is a tea party enthusiast in the Hudson Valley, New York.)
The United Nations and United States are a bunch of thugs committing war crimes in Libya.
Sitting here finishing this story today, breaking news emerges that Susan Rice, US Permanent Representative to the United Nations, announced that the goal of the United States, as maintaining the no fly zone, and  protecting the “rebels,” is for a non Kaddafi-led Libya.  Rice is calling for cuts to Kaddafi’s lines of communication and supply lines, squeezing the Libyan Army, assisting the “rebels” with food and medical supplies, oh and one last little thing – ARMS!
Are these people out of their minds?  With reports that a lot of this could have been fueled by Iran and Al-Qaida and others, no one knows exactly who the “rebels” are (this is in the resolution).  If they weren't already, they are now a bunch of bullies running around the world committing war crimes with a huge arsenal of weapons including nuclear.
Sunday on the talking head shows Defense Secretary Gates stated “Libya is not in the vital to the interest of the US,” and Queen Hillary stated that she was “positive” that Kaddafi was probably, or maybe could, or might possibly, commit some kind of probable retaliation if the US did not interfere with the civil war in Libya.  She also indicated that regime change was not the US policy.  Strangely enough, none of these conflicting sentiments are part of the UN resolution, but this is:
“Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the Foreign Minister of France, Alain JuppĂ©, said “the situation on the ground is more alarming than ever, marked by the violent re-conquest of cities that have been released.”  The Security Council could not stand by and “let the warmongers flout international legality.””
They are all liars and war criminals and our half-white president should be impeached. They are illegally murdering the Libyan Army so the “rebels” can take over and kill the rest of the Army.
Reaching out to officials
After calling 10 Senators and a few members of the House of Representatives, I had to call it quits for the day on the subject of impeachment. Time after time, I received answers that I think are inadequate and I will never be persuaded otherwise.  Some of the Representatives used the excuse that they do not answer questions of those that are not their constitutes, but the all powerful Speaker of the House weepy Boehner had his staff reply that they have no plans to impeach our President  Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.
On the Senate side, I received answers ranging from a flat out no from Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer of New York to a flat out no from our other Republican tower of power Senator Mr. Mitch  “I love pork” McConnell.  I was ready to give up all hope of getting any kind of favorable answer until a tiny glimmer of hope arose. That glimmer came from one of the Tea Party supported people, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida.  His staff said they were going to haul the President in front of the House Foreign Affairs Committee this week.
I can only hope that they recommend impeachment for President Obama not only for going to war illegally, but also for illegally expanding his executive powers.
Using the assertion that the law called the War Powers Act is not constitutional, when it states in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution that “the Congress shall have Power to Declare War,” President Obama bypassed Congress and has engaged America in an illegal war.  The President, did what is now becoming predictable, he expanded the meaning of section S.1541(c) which is the section of the law that allows the President to go to war to include going to war under the guise of a Humanitarian Act. Section S.1541(c) which states:
“(c) Presidential Executive Power as Commander-in-Chief; Limitation The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.”
And then to further insult the American people, President Obama usurped the power of Congress by allowing the United Nations to tell the United States it was time to go to war.  The moment Obama entered into the illegal war, he went above and beyond the United Nations Resolution of a no fly zone.   This is the first time in my life that I have ever been ashamed of the Armed Forces of the United States, and America.
Everyone that is a United States citizen should be ashamed embarrassed and more than anything, they should be ANGRY to see that the President has turned the best fighting force in the world, into just a bunch of murderous thugs.   I believe history will prove me right – there is a dark cloud over the United States today.

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