Saturday, June 11, 2011

It is time for Amy Kremer to go

    This was a short article that is about a week old that I was waiting for a friend to post and she must be to busy it was a time sensitive post the message is still the same,  The Chair of Tea Party Express Miss Amy Kremer must go!! 
Almost every day I listen to an interview and when it is finished I think to myself “Is this person an idiot”. This is what I was saying to myself  before I finished the sentence. The Chair of Tea Party Express Miss Amy Kremer spouting lies right from the beginning.  It is amazing what happens when a person like Chairwomen Amy Kremer get a little power.
    “The Tea Party Express is one of the three major Tea Party groups pushing for change in America” as stated by Jacqueline Winslow at this web site Miss Krerem is supposed to represent her Tea Party group, not the whole country. The first paragraph she say’s The Tea Party will support whoever wins the GOP presidential nomination - - even if that person is former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney”.  She say‘s “The Tea Party” not My Tea Party as if she represents the whole movement. I would bet that at least half of her group or more do not go along with that. She has turned into what we are fighting, people in love with power.
     It is 18 months before the election before and she has done tremendous amount damage to the Primary Race. Miss Kremer has already given up one of the big hammers we hold over the republicans, the threat of a third party candidate. The old school boy’s are scared to death of a third party running for President. Miss Kremer holds a very power position, people that are on the fence here the pundits every saying this person and that person cannot win but Mitt Romney is quietly building a huge war chest of money, most of it from the old school boy’s the unseen money men that control the election. If you would walk around the area outside of New York City you would be hard pressed to find a Tea Party Group or individual who supports Romney.
     The other 2 major groups should come out and publicly bash her for speaking for their group and giving Romney a huge boost. Does she ever talk to the people in her group or any other group? What other thing has she done lately that are not made public. You should never give up something for nothing, it is a large non-profit org may be she did get or will get something we don’t we don’t know about. I have written articles and posts and tried to get them as far as I could. The articles are about Tea Party leaders get to close to the politicians and they get that feeling of power and it feels good and they start losing contact with the mission ahead of us. As far as I know no one owns the groups if leader ship has lost their way get rid of them, take the group over yourself. This upcoming election could be the important election in the history of The United States of America and we can’t have power hungry citizens running the Parties. Please look at your Leadership with eyes wide open and make sure they are on the right path.                                 
Thank You Mark A. Joppa.

President (Part II)

I will open up federal land to logging to bring back logging in California, Colorado and other States. I will build new power plants, nuclear, gas, and coal all built with the best technology available today. As it stands right now because of the environmentalists energy costs are far to high in this country. Nuclear power Is the cheapest power available at this time but as my policies take effect it will not remain the least expensive energy producer. Natural gas is so understudied in this country we don’t even have a clue as to how much we have. If you look at known reserves they haven’t even calculated how long we could supply the country with power. The coal reserves in this country in this country are almost incalculable. Last but not least that horrible substance called oil, here I am going to do the environmentalist a favor. They say we have so little of the Earths reserves that we have to develop alternative sources of energy, I will open up Federal owned lands, the intercontinental shelf and Alaska to rid this Country of that horrible menace called oil.
I do expect some resistance to my plans for oil mainly because I believe the current government is lying, this country has enough oil for hundreds of years of supply if the power industry is turned over to nuclear, gas, and coal. The oil industry in 2010 had a major spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which was followed up by further shutting down the oil industry, and the Obama administration’s non existing response to the spill. Offers of assistance from around the world poured in, all of which were turned down for reasons a multitude of excuses have been made but do nothing to point out what the truth probably is. The Obama administration wanted the worst possible outcome for the oil industry and his backers unions didn’t want noon unionized workers entering U.S. waters and the environmentalists wanted something huge to scare the American public with. Putting into perspective the poorly handled spill is not hard one year later, any sign of the sky is falling predictions that the administration and environmental groups predicted cannot be seen. There is no sign of oil on the beaches or the horrible environmental calamity predicted, the only predictions that have even come close to those predicted a year ago are the economic predictions and although these predictions come from a man made source they have nothing to do with oil.
The Obama administration is the direct cause of hundreds and thousands of lost jobs in the gulf coast area, by falsifying scientific reports and ignoring court order after court order to resume drilling. When finally agreeing to resume drilling they refused to allow new permits site devastating new regulations they said were absolutely necessary to insure safe drilling in the gulf. If the American public believes this they are idiots. This is the only major spill in the gulf do to an American permitted rig in forty years, what other industry can point to a safety record such as this. There is no real mention that the members in his administration were to busy seeing what kind of free trips they could get rather than enforcing the rule and regulations that were on the books already. When it come to the long term recovery of the gulf before anyone believes anything an environmentalist says take a good look at their starting point about dead zones in the gulf. Little if nothing has been said about the nature of the gulf, the Gulf of Mexico as a body of water has one of the largest natural seeping of oil into a body of water in the world. I would bet few if any people reading this have heard anything like that before today.
I will allow refineries to be built, and require only the thee major types of fuel be produced instead of the sixteen now required by government regulation. The price of gas shall fall and the price of heating oil along with it while creating millions of jobs desperately needed in the U.S. We shall move as rapidly and safely as possible to not only supply Americas need for natural gas but move towards becoming the worlds largest exporter of natural gas. The other product the U.S. should among the worlds leading exporters is coal, the U.S. is blessed with an overabundance of all types of coal and at all depths meaning all different methods may be used to extract it. For some reason coal has really attacked the ire of environmentalists and the E.P.A., there are some problems that have merit with some coal mining methods. The underground mining process creates a large amounts of tailing's and ground water that has to be pumped out as the mines cross the water table which using today’s technology I believe can safely addressed. As far as some states where the coal is near the surface strip mining is used and these well financed environmental groups want to protect what they see as the natural beauty off an area, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some states are blessed with Natural beauty and nothing else, where a state such as West Virginia have some beautiful and an abundance of coal, if a poll were taken I am sure the people of West Virginia would favor strip mining in favor of having it’s population working and thriving and producing wealth from their natural resources rather than move out of an area they have lived in their entire life. After strip mining the area can be put together into a natural state as far as the environmentalists are concerned if you want to see mountains go to Colorado strip mining in West Virginia will not severally impact tourism there. With coal this is where the stupidity of people, the blatant lying of the environmentalist and the power hungry and unconstitutional rulings of the Supreme Court of the U.S.A. all meet. Some types of coal produce more pollutants than others, one major pollutant is carbon monoxide really bad stuff definitely can kill and is hard to remove from the atmosphere than carbon dioxide why is that. How about a little science class first, every living thing on the face of the earth depends on carbon dioxide. I CAN HEAR THE SCREAMS EVEN THOUGH THIS IS NOT EVEN IN PRINT YET. I am sure most people don’t look at it like that and some think it is an outright lie, first off every mammal on the earth and other things naturally produce it. Every plant on earth needs it to survive so how can the court say it is a pollutant, ignorance, arrogance, blatant lies by environmentalist. What kind of hubris does it take a man or group of men to say I or we know what the exact amount of carbon dioxide the earth need to perfectly sustain plant life on the face off the earth who are these people that know this. Some of you may think they can get close measure the size of the trees and forests and they can come close. OK now ad in the fact that the oceans on earth absorb hundreds of time the amount of plants but the fish are living and they need oxygen, the oceans need carbon dioxide to produce the most voluminous plant by weight on the earth, something that if it does not exist the earth is probably a dead planet it is called plankton. Every year hundreds of trillions are produced every year how can any human possibly say I KNOW, I KNOW how much carbon dioxide the earth needs. Does anyone believe that, I don’t even know if the math exists to even formulate such a thing, just think about it the E.P.A. HAS GONE TO THE Supreme Court of the United States of America and said they know, they know exactly how much carbon dioxide is good for the entire earth.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What Happens if We Don’t Raise the Debt Ceiling?

What Happens if We Don’t Raise the Debt Ceiling?

Posted by Raquel on Apr 22nd, 2011 and filed under Political Blog. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

By: Mark A. Joppa (Mark is a tea party originalist in the Hudson Valley.)
I would hope that everyone reading this article already understands the ramifications of not raising the debt ceiling. The main point is the government will still be able to spend an obscene amount of money.  It does not mean we are broke, it does not mean we are bankrupt, it does not mean we will default on our debt or be unable to fund Social Security. None of these things will happen, but if you are stupid enough or so lazy you don’t do your own research in this extremely important time in our history, and take the word of a politician instead, I say you are part of the problem.
In laymen terms, not extending the debt limit is like reaching the limit on you credit card.  Hopefully, you are still working which allows you to pay rent, buy food, put gas in the car all because money is still coming in. You will not be able to take that European vacation because your credit card won’t give you anymore money. It’s the same with the government except on a far larger scale. Like us, the government is still hard at work also, extorting  about $2.2 trillion a year from the American people and that is just the Federal government. That means the government still can spend $2.2 trillion, that truly is an obscene amount of money considering we don’t really know where it goes, and that is heart breaking, but a different story for another day.
So, the Government is already spending about $4.5 billion a day, yes, they can spend $4.5 billion a day.  That’s 10 times too much. Taking into account that the interest on our debt is already $220 billion, that leaves approximately $1.9 trillion and change to spend before the government has to borrow one, single, solitary penny.  Seems like there is far more being spent, than what is needed.
How it works
The federal budget gets broken down into two main categories; non discretionary spending which is the money that has to be spent on social security, medicare and medicaid which comes to about $1.465 trillion leaving almost $480 billion left. That would cover the category called other mandatory spending, which is listed in the Ryan budget costing  $4.8 billion with just about the remaining amount of money confiscated by the government.   So, here it is:  The United States will still have the money to pay for every single high priced unconstitutional, social program instituted by the Democrats and George W. Bush, but we will have to fire most of the federal government, to prevent us from borrowing more money, or in other words – raising the debt ceiling.
Here are my answers to such problems (you may not like them):  We should have a lottery and pick one person from every state, put them together and let them read and define the constitution in everyday normal American speech not legalese living document speech, and see what they come up with. I hope I am not wrong about this. I would bet they would find that at least 80% of the federal government is unconstitutional, and it is only because of the compassion of the American people we have survived until today.  We cannot help everyone and there are people we are helping which should receive no help whatsoever.  The sooner people start following the Constitution as written, the sooner we will get back to being the greatest country in the world!
Social programs do not get paid all at once. That means we have enough money for almost 9 months of fully funded government. If the government instituted a real policy to clean up waste fraud and abuse at minimum, and I mean a bare minimum, that adds 1 more month.  With the cuts next year and a little luck that the existing tax rates will produce a surplus, it’s clean up time!  The GAO did an audit and found $125 billion in improper payments. The audit was only on payments more than $10,000, I wonder how much was really wasted?
(Editor’s Note: Opinions of contributing writers is not necessarily the opinion of

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cowards in Comgress

Cowards in Congress

Posted by Raquel on Apr 17th, 2011 and filed under Political Blog. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
(In photo: Raquel Okyay, Lorraine Morano, Organizers, Ulster Orange Tea Party)
By: Mark A. Joppa (Mark is a Tea Party originalist from the Hudson Valley, New York.)
This is an article written a while ago but still holds true today, the Republicans are incapable of using The power that has been given them. They are not only Cowards but they are also Liars.....MJ

People are accustomed to seeing cowardly Republicans in Congress; they are used to seeing the cowards being slapped up and down the halls of Congress, why?  Because the Democrats have been in power of the US government, for most of the last 80 years. The Republican faithful almost always sat and watched the results roll in on election night, and at the end of the night were the Chicago Cubs, we will get them next year.  In 2008, we elect the “The Chief Thug – Obama” and after two long years of Democrat dictatorial rule, Republicans have gone from worst to first with a historical size win in the 2010 election.
Yeah!! Shouted the Republican faithful, and when they heard the future Speaker of the House John Boehner speak, the faithful shouted Yeah – again.  As the happy faithful looked on saying to themselves sanity, finally sanity in the Congress, the same old insanity prevails.  With this new and powerful mandate handed to Republicans to take the field for it – first order of business – and what? House Republicans cave in faster than a Chilean coal mine; a cave in to the Chief Thug in the White House on the last CR of 2010.
People often feel as if they are watching a fairy tale, or better yet a bad dream. Watching, as the Republicans cede their mandate to the bully Democrats who are slapping them around. Now the bullies are coming to the table with a fake tear in their eye saying we are ready to play nice now, can’t you see all the American people want us to get along and compromise?  The Republican party, given the power to change the history of the US back in the right direction, has disappeared.
The only people willing to follow through using the power they have, are the newly elected Tea Party Representatives. That does not include some who had tea party support and then dropped them like a hot rock.  But, it is why the Tea Party will never die; there are too many cowards still left that are not looking out for the people, but rather looking out for themselves.
We have much work to do.
About the only thing the cowards have done is slow down the progressive ideology of Obama from coming into affect, but even this has had limited success. President Obama has been circumventing congress to promote his agenda, any way he can:
“The lead of the New York Times story February 13 proclaims: “With much of his legislative agenda stalled in Congress, President Obama and his team are preparing an array of actions using his executive power to advance energy, environmental, fiscal and other domestic policy priorities.” But constitutionalists ask, what “executive power” to make law?
Article I, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution begins: “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States.” (
“For the Pentagon to deliberately circumvent congressional authority sets a new precedent for war powers authorization and sends the message to the world that American democracy is deeply dysfunctional,” Rep. Mike Honda (D., Calif.) said Monday.” (
“So much for bipartisanship: Obama circumvents congress for six more recess [czar] appointments.” (
“President Obama Looks to Circumvent Congress on 2nd Amendment:  With the new conservative Republican majority in the House of Representatives, President Obama is seeking new ways to enact gun control legislation.” (
“Allen West: Obama Circumvents Congress on Gitmo” (
“ObamaCare Update: Obama Circumvents Congress to Appoint Death Panel Advocate” (
“Obama circumvents State Department, supports plan to give BBG $10 million.” (
The above links are just a few examples of Obama not following the Constitution which is, indeed, an impeachable offense.  Unfortunately, the Republican cowards in Congress do not even have the courage to stand up to runaway agencies like the EPA, which is running a muck – costing private business and tax payers hundreds of billions of dollars, and hundreds of thousands of jobs, thanks to the executive office making legislative policy and imposing unlawful laws on America.
It must disgust many Americans that we busted our butts to give power to the Republicans we thought were dedicated to the Constitution; now dissolved due to the actions of a bunch of cowards in Congress who are either unwilling or too stupid to effectively use the power the voters handed to them in 2010.  It is doubly frustrating to the people to realize that, we can not fully turn our anger on the progressive party because we are being forced to destroy the Republican party first.

Islams war on Christianity

This is a short article I wrote awhile ago about Islam, what I boils down to Islam is is systematical destroying Christianity around the world and it is being covered up by the Government and the media.
By:  Mark Joppa (Mark is a Tea Party activist in the Hudson Valley)

Finally there is media coverage about Muslims and their so called religion of peace, “Islam”. But as has been the case for decades now the corrupt media is either flat out lying or totally ignorant. The media would have us believe that this is just about a bunch of young kids yearning for a taste of Democracy and freedom, That they just want to throw off the shackles of oppression like our Forefathers during the Revolution and some Americans are even calling for the US to intervene on their behalf.
People have just lost their minds if they think that the West could ever live in peace with Islam. As you read this and get to the end if you think that the West can live in peace with Islam you should have your right to give birth taken away because we already have enough idiots in America.
What does Islam mean? Its translation means “submission” as in “submission to the will of god”.  But Islam as a religion of “peace” is what Presidents, Prime Ministers, Harry Reid, the Clinton’s, Politician’s, and the media have been telling us since before 9/11. Yet open the Quran and you will find statements like “Slay the Pagans wherever you find them” (along with at least another 480 just like it).  Commands that inspire people like the Pakistani son of a small store owner to say “I Amir Maweir Siddiqui son of Abdul Rahman Siddiqui state in the presence of god I will slaughter infidels my entire life and may god give me strength in fulfilling this oath”.
When an Iranian suicide bomber blew himself up killing 243 Marines we were told on the evening news it was politically motivated and had nothing to do with Islam. Again and again when they killed Leon Klinghoffer in 1985, then the first world trade center bombing in 93, in 96 when 19 more Marines were killed in Saudi Arabia, the embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania in 98, the USS Cole in 2000 and in 2001 when 3000 Americans were killed in the second World trade Center bombing all we kept hearing from the politicians and news media “This is not the face of the real Islam”.
Strange bed fellows to say the least it was Italian prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Pat Robertson who were the only two people of note that said anything negative at all. The Washington Post railed on Robertson:
“What is Mr. Robertson trying to do start a war? The Prime Minister of Belgium said “If Berlusconi insults the Muslims there might be reprisals. If people hadn’t figured it out yet just look at the last two statements and you know Islam is not a religion of peace, if it’s a religion at all.”
Over the last few decades, the corrupt media has been running cover for Islam, while Muslims all over the world have been flexing its muscle with hardly a word from the western press. In East Timor One third of the Christian population has been slaughtered. In the Southern Philippines an extremely violent rebellion has been happening.  In Indonesia on the Spice Islands the Christian population is almost wiped out.  In Thailand and even the northwest area of China still more violence from Muslims.
The peace that Muslims speak about is the Peace that Islam will bring about after they killed, converted or subjugate every man, woman and child on the face of the earth in the name of Islam.
In sum, I think we are going to be the first Country in the world to lose a war because of words such as: “Equality” “Diversity” and “Tolerance”.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Name Is Mark Joppa and I am Running For President Part1

My Name Is Mark Joppa and I am Running For President
     Yes I am running to become the next president of the United States. Looking around this great County and seeing a Country that look’s or acts nothing like the Country I spent my youth in is depressing and angering. People often make a comparison between the Roman Republic and the American Republic which is not fair in a lot of ways. The Roman Republic was put together with violence by the conquering of other people and civilizations and enslaving them to extract the wealth of those countries. The American Republic has come about though the extraordinary thoughts and visions of a small group of men and a large group of people that felt enslaved.
     The straw that broke the camel’s back was a tea tax which sparked the Boston Tea Party. I short the Boston Tea Party was set off by a tea tax, a group of men boarded a ship in Boston Harbor and threw the tea the ship was carrying into the harbor. Most of you are probably saying to yourself “I know that” he didn’t have to explain that, this is one reason I am running, I am not sure some of the younger people know this. The public school system has been stolen; it seems as if the United States public at large cannot find the type of school they went to when they were young. The school system once an adequate institution teaching a heavy dose of English, Math, Reading, Writing, History and Science is now nowhere to be found.  The school system seems to have been taken over by Radial Unions controlled by Socialist and Minority Radicals.
      The Education of the children of this still Great Country of ours will be one of three major areas that I will attack first at the beginning of my Presidency. The other two subjects will be the Economy and the Military all you people on the both side of social issues will just have to sit down shut up until this country is saved and going in the right direction.
     After living in this country 54 years and listening to politicians on both sides break down and cry about how tough their job is and how hard it is to get something done it simply amazes me. They have instructions that were put down on paper over two hundred year ago called “The Constitution of the United States of America”. Education is on top of my list of things to do partly because we have Politicians, Judges, and Teachers that have never read it or they have poor comprehension skills and don’t understand what it means. If they would all follow the instructions that were left them by an extraordinary group of men called our Forefathers this country will have the potential to remain the greatest civilization the world has ever seen or will see in its history.
     Starting with the Dept. of Education, I will look into how fast I can dismantle it. In 1962 under President Johnson began a push to put more money into the Dept. of Education. Since 1962 we have put more than $150,000,000,000 into the Dept. of Education, the results received from all the money dumped into this Department if it were your EKG you would be dead. The progress this Department has made in the education of our children if based on test scores and put on a graph is a flat line from 1962 until 2010. Put in words, that means after more than $150,000,000,000 on the Education Dept. there has been a 0% rise in the test scores of our children. Let’s look at the instruction on how to run a successful Republic, as I look at the instructions I cannot find the word Education that must mean it is up to the States to Educate our children.
     As President of These United States of America I will eliminate the Department of Education as quickly and responsibly as possible.
     Moving on to the Economy OMG it’s a mess. Don’t panic let’s take a look at the instructions. As I look I do not see anything resembling EPA I can’t for the life of me find the word environmentalist. Do not misunderstand me I will fight for everyone to have clean air and water, but I will not stand for a 2 inch long smelt to kill 40,000 jobs in the San Joaquin Valley. I would give them 48 hrs. and then turn the water back on. I will never let a salamander stop progress. A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service analysis estimated the economic impact of designating about 382,000 acres in 20 California counties as the salamander's "critical habitat" where development would be restricted $367 million in lost development opportunities
    I will open up federal land to logging to bring back logging in California, Colorado and other States.

How I arrived here

       This is an on going Story or Diary of my choice to enter into the world of Political  Activism as a way of trying to find something to get involved with to keep my mind off of finding out if there really is a God. Through my life I have pushed and help many of the women I have met towards reaching higher goals than what they thought they could attain. Now it seems the women I have met lately are pushing me. The latest push comes from a women named Lisa Douglas, she has been  pushing me to start my own blog. Lisa is a member of the Tea Party who has started her own group, blog and is running for office in Westchester N.Y.
        So here I am again getting ready to put myself and my thoughts out into the public domain. I will probably start with some articles that have been written by me and have been edited by Raquel Okyay who has published most of my articles on her blog. Raquel and her editing has been a great help in turning me from someone that could put down meaningful words on paper has no writing background. I have alwaysbeen able to put down words on paper that where true and accurate but not necessarily organized in a manner that a writer might put them down.
        I joined the Tea Party Jan. 8th 2011 with the hope of possibly being of some help somewhere. In a very short period of time I realized that the group that I joined which has almost 180 people in it was dead. No board postings no group communication. Just mass email posts with the news.
        So knowing nothing I took it upon myself to try and bring the group back to life. It started with board posts, than emails, then group email, personal contact and progressed to the point where I was trying to contact everyone and anyone yhat had their name in the learship position as my letter to the Tea Party explains. Not 1 reply, not one hello nothing. This is all before I went to my first meeting. I think it was the second week in Feb. that I received a call from a woman I thought was not all there or playing a joke on me. (I was looking around for the cameras lol).
       The woman was Lorraine Morrano from Orange County NY TP asking me to start a new group her, write a speech, and come to her meetings. She had been following the board for my group and told me some of my writings were extraordinary. I thought she was nuts. I wet to the meeting gave a speech on the Constitution met Raquel and she asked me if I wanted to write something on her blog. Now I think they are both crazy.
      Here I am a 50 something year old man with a trade school education that hated English and school in general but never stopped gaining knowledge being asked to become a writer. It was these two women that saw something in me I never saw myself, the ability to communicate through writing. I takes a little courage to put something down on paper and in words and believe it was good enough not to ridiculed and scoffed at, at least in my case. Why was I special what the hell did they see in me. To old to get embarrassed I wrote one story, it was a little rough around the edges but with some pointers and editing it was well received.
        That's how I arrived here in 4 short months I have gone from I hope I can help to the point where I think I am serving a purpose and helping the cause. I am a member of a couple different groups writing articles for Raquel's blog which are now getting picked up by a group in Fla. I have been putting together a group to dump Rep. Nan Hayworth in NY and started getting some of my stuff accepted by the local papers. On the political front I may join my county Legislators re election campaign, be put on civilian revue panel being put together by Sen. Ball in NY and will be running for a Committeeman position in Hopewell Jct.
          All this in 4 short months these are things I think everyone has the capability to do with a little effort. If everyone puts in a little effort we will have no problem taking back our Country......Mark A. Joppa It is now 6 months into my journey.
       Coming up to the end of the 7th month I had retired, I was tired of the lack of response from John Darish for the Committeeman position to all the Tea Party leaders that I had called out and challenged them or members of the group to get in touch with me to reorganize and re energize their groups with no response what so ever. These people in the smaller groups just sucked the life out of me. Some in leadership that refused to contact me I believe have less than honorable motives and are scared to death of losing that little taste of power they have.
      A week after giving up I started getting emails asking about my next aricle was coming out. So I figured as one I was making a bit of a difference. A week after coming back Sen. Balls office got in touch with me after almost 7 months and wound up putting me on financial panel, which shocked me. Anthony Mele is running for Congress n the 17th District and asked for support and I jokingly responded if you support me which he repied yes alog with about a dozen other people. It may not be so much of a joke now this is where I stand after 7 months.