Tuesday, January 24, 2017

President Trump and the Dishonest Media      

      Bigots, Racists, Socialist and Liberals seem to make up the majority of the so called mainstream media. They have long since abandoned ethics and duty as Journalists. For far too long the mainstream media has insulted the gun toting bible carrying people of this Great Country at the same time trying to influence Americans around the country as to who their candidates for office should be, by not covering the real stories that should be making news, reporting as fact half truths and outright lies.
      President of the United States Donald Trump called the Dishonest Media out every chance he got during his campaign and there are millions of people across the U.S.A. that want him to let no slight go unchallenged no matter how trivial. They did that with the false report that Time magazine’s Zeke Miller filed about the MLK bust being removed from the Oval office and the size of the crowd that showed up for President Trumps Inaugural.
      One of the stories that should have been covered was Chris Mathews calling President Trumps speech “Racial and Hitlerian” http://thehill.com/homenews/media/315324-msnbcs-chris-matthews-trump-inauguration-speech-hitlerian . He is comparing our President to a true racist and Jewish hating mass murder. Why is this man not fired? Chris Mathews what is the problem, don’t you have that same tingle going up your leg for President Trump.    
      Another story not told about this weekend was Ashley Judd giving a speech at the protest march calling President Trump a Nazi Hitler and the devil and calling millions of people that supported him homophobic, Misogynists, racist and white supremacists. I am sure that speech went over real good with the 62,979,879 sane men and women that voted for President Donald Trump.   
    The only story about Nazi’s that should have been written but wasn’t should be about a true Nazi Sympathizer George Soros. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnsHl5qzpYc This is a man that worked with the Nazi’s and now is working against the United States of America and trying to sabotage our President Trump. I did not hear or see one story about George Soros or that out of the multitude of groups represented at the march George Soros has donated to 50 anti American groups to the tune of about $90,000,000 (90 million0) and another 20 million trying to influence our elections that’s a lot of hate George Soros has for the USA .
       The last one I will bring up so I can keep this short is Madonna saying she has thought about a lot about blowing up “The White House’.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdjebS2toK0 Shouldn’t Madonna be arrested for making terroristic threats against the POTUS.
      The list goes on and on. This is a combined effort by the Dishonest media, U.S.A. hating Nazi’s like George Soros and many, many other people and groups that hate the U.S.A. to bring down our President and America……MJ

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