Friday, November 4, 2011


Being a fan of learning about ancient history and the civilizations that preceded ours, I can only sit and wait like everyone else as to whether or not that when the Mayan calendar comes to an end at the end of 2012 the apocalyptic forecast of world as we know it coming to an end will happen. While the possibility of this happening is extremely remote we are facing an approaching apocalypse here in the United States of America.
     While I make no claim that I am a prophet it is our actions and ours alone that can and has to stop the upcoming apocalypse form destroying our great nation. Some of you may have already figured out that I am referring to the Presidential election in 2012, some may also already know and have grasp of the serious nature of the upcoming vote. The reason for writing this article is to get people to take this vote seriously and get involved. You may think using word like apocalypse and destruction are over the top and unwarranted I hope you are right, and America will get rid of Obama and his band of radicals in a landslide. If I am correct and Americans sit idly by, this country will not survive another four years of Unconstitutional actions and being attacked and destroyed from the very people that have taken an oath to protect it.
     The great unifier the man that was to bring this country the man the media said could bring this country together as the first black President Barack Hussein Obama has turned out to be the greatest demagogue and as such men have done in the past he has separated this country into two groups and created class warfare in this country like it has never been seen before. He has accomplished this by using some of the very things the bible warns us of jealousy and envy two of the seven deadly sins now we know the power of these emotions. It is these two emotions that were the cause of the most barbaric action of man against man. This is the group that wants what you have, what you have worked and sacrificed for, and they think it is there right to take what you have and it is you that is the cause of the world’s problems. They are not above doing or saying anything to get what you have.
     In the other group are the people that believe the rule of law and the Constitution as written not interpreted by activist judges and power hungry politicians is the path this Great Country should follow. It is the hard working law abiding citizen that has been awakened from there slumber that has finally stood up and said no more, you are destroying the family as we know it you are stealing our money and corrupting the moral of our children with your perverted view of education.
     It is critical that we not let the last few years of progress go to our heads, it is critical that we not let the last few years of hard work go to waste and it is critical that we don’t let down now and it is critical that we defeat Obama in 2012

1 comment:

  1. Right... (no pun intented)... On... alot of US are awake but it's getting everyone to vote... and watching the votes being counted... If ACORN does the counting we are toast. Thank you for your post I am re-posting. Bless-Bless as we fight on...
