This is a story I wrote in April, this is a very outspoken article so if you are offended easily do not read this article. This article may offend some but you what I think it is the truth and if you don't like show me something to prove me wrong and I will post it here with an apology.....MJ
Posted by Raquel on Apr 28th, 2011 and filed under Political Blog. You
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Posted by Raquel on Apr 28th, 2011 and filed under Political Blog. You
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By: Mark Joppa (Mark is a Tea Party Originalist from the Hudson Valley, New York.)
Usually I pick a subject to write about, but at this time there are two dozen important topics to discuss, please excuse me if I wonder aloud.
The President was elected with the so- called mainstream media covering up every single thing that showed Barack Husein Obama would be an incompetent and possibly a dangerous man to have as president. A quick look back reveals a media that covered up Reverend Wright as racist, as any Klu Klux Klan member could be. Then they excuse it because, “He’s black, we have to understand what the black people in this country have been through.“ Well I have a news flash: Slavery ended about 150 years ago, and it’s been about 50 years now, that American blacks have been unconstitutionally discriminating against white people, rather than assimilating into the American society. American blacks have been surpassed by more recent immigrant groups; such as Asians and Hispanics.
This past Easter Sunday with a dozen black churches in the Washington area, our racist “Christian“ President attended church services in a church that has a Pastor that is the equal of Reverend Wright – another black racist preacher. This leads me to believe the media covered up another one of the President‘s lies when he said “Even though I have been in Wright’s church I never heard him say anything racist.“ (B.S. I said back then!)
Our racist president feels comfortable with other racists, because he is one of them! He said he wanted to bring people together, yet he is the head cheerleader separating this country by race, by class, by any means he see’s fit. He pokes his head out of the White House long enough to back unions against the Wisconsin government, who are working hard for the tax payer, then rushes off to take another vacation, while his brainwashed minions flood the states, and do millions of dollars in damage.
Think about it, millions of brain-dead, self hating white people are the reason why Obama got elected to begin with. These idiots have been brainwashed and actually believe the media drum beat: whites are bad and we owe something to the blacks. We owe them nothing! They have been surpassed by people who want to work, want to assimilate, and have a dress code and ethics that American blacks could learn from. For the life of me, I don’t understand how the white population, that are supposed to be educated, did the math and came up with an answer that told them Obama would be a good President.
I will give it a try, anyway. His mother and father were Communists. When living in Washington State, Obama attended the “little red church“ but it wasn’t called that because it was painted red, it was called that because Obama was attending socialist conferences. In Hawaii, he met Frank Marshall Davis, a person who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and Obama had an admitted relationship with.
The President will not produce any records, he won’t answer questions about or produce documents regarding how, or who helped him get into Columbia and Harvard, or where the money came from. He goes to live in Chicago – I guess he likes the chilly weather. He becomes a community organizer and hooks up with a racist preacher and a 60’s radical that was the head of a radical group that blew up buildings and killed people. I suppose they must be really nice people too, once you get to know them. For a cup of coffee, he get’s into the Illinois Senate, and almost immediately starts to campaign for President.
And finally, I am begging someone, anyone, please explain why, not only the brain-dead white people voted for him, but the brain-dead black people voted for him too. Someone please tell me who in their right mind could actually think this lying, racist, socialist was the best person in the United States to become the most powerful man in the world.
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