Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Obama Master of the Unconstitutional Executive Order?

This will have to be a series of articles as I do not have time to sit and write something that undoubtedly will be as long as the Heath Care Bill. All of President Obama’s executive orders are list in alphabetical order on this site,  This series will take a look at all of the Executive Orders the POTUS has signed and try simplify, put them in standard English and reviewed them for their Constitutionality. This series will focus on the Executive Orders that are unconstitutional or are highly suspect for the reason of writing such an Executive Order
     E.O. 13489 Presidential Records. This is the very first executive if it is Constitutional it shouldn’t be E.O. 13489 Presidential Records Was Signed by Obama to prevent any records about his civilian life being made public. Why would the POTUS want to hide what school he went to, or show his collage loans papers or his passport records and why would he spend over 2 million dollars fighting the release of the most basic paperwork concerning his life in the U.S.
     E.O.13494 Economy in Government Contracts. Sounds good to me, but what does it say? It says that any and all activities related to organizing for unions by any contractor doing Business with the government will be deem as an allowable cost and charged to the taxpayer thing listed as allowable in Section 4 (a) preparing and distributing materials. (b) Hiring or consulting legal counsel or consultants. (c) Attending meetings (including paying the salaries of the attendees at meetings held for this purpose); and (d) planning or conducting activities by managers, supervisors or union representatives during working hours.
     If I understand this the taxpayers are forced to pay for people previously not unionized to attempt to unionize. Which includes all the legal fees and pamphlets and fliers and signs and anything else that the unions said was a cost of unionizing. Nowhere in the constitution does it say taxpayer should pay for people to unionize. Unconstitutional. An afterthought just as I was getting ready to post this the RICO Act popped into my mind If the mafia can be charged under RICO for making people hire a certain garbage collection firm why can’t the President be charged for make the companies that do business with the Government hire Unionized workers at most likely A hire wage rate and what does the company do with its long time workers????Fire them and make us pay for their unemployment pay for their unemployment. It can also be considered bid rigging all these added costs make it harder for the competition
     E.O.13495 Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts is an extension of E.O. 13494 which says now that the taxpayers have paid to unionize these people if the contract with the government is lost to another company the new company must hire the people from the old company no matter how unsuitable their work is. No company in America can be told by the government which people to hire. Unconstitutional.
     Executive Order 13497 Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Regulatory Planning and Review This E.O. seems to get rid minor things like agencies looking for future market problem and agencies have to give a cost benefit analysis also anything that would affect the economy adversely by 100 million or more, rules and regulation revues, minor the like that. Not Unconstitutional but why take away such safeguards.
     Executive Order 13498 Amendments to Executive Order 13199 and Establishment of the President's Advisory Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. This E.O. may be the first of many this inquiry may find. In this case we have 1 Unconstitutional E.O. replacing another. In this case we the giving money to the church to run programs that are much the same in service as a wide range of other programs the government already runs, in an attempt to make it more palatable so the progressives can dump money into their far left agenda being pushed so called community organizations such as ACORN. Yes ACORN is still around and is pushing to regain millions of your tax dollars to push the Progressive ideology.
     If they both accomplish the same thing why the change? In E.O. 13199 it states “The delivery of social services must be result orientated and should value the bedrock principles of pluralism, nondiscrimination, even handedness and neutrality. In E.O. 13498 the last statement is stricken and replaced with words as follows; “guaranteeing equal protection of the laws and the free exercise of religion and forbidding the establishment of religion. The Federal Government must insure that organizations receiving federal money achieve measureable in furtherance or valid public proposes.”
     This change in section one almost sounds like they are trying to set up a Communist type state in the inner city which most of these so called “Community organizations are located. “Forbidding the establishment of religion” that statement alone sounds ominous. These programs are nothing but a giant vote buy fraud perpetuated on the American people.
     Just looking at the first 10 of President Obama’s Executive Orders Has opened my eyes to the huge extent to which the American people are being victimized by their own government and the President. How long has this been going on? How many Presidents have used the Executive Order to victimize the American people? How much money has been stolen from the American people by their own government? I do not have the answer to those questions yet but I will try to get them as should all those that read this series.
     It is not just the President involved in this unending fraud; it is every elected official in government that is allowing this to happen. Why? Best guess is don’t rock the Democrats boat and they won’t rock the Republicans boat is my only guess.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Obama Ideology

 All though the dark the times for the U.S. were started under the Presidency of the Republican Progressive George Bush which led to the total loss of the House and Senate for his final two years in office, it wasn’t until Mr. Hope and Change (I hope I can handle this job and I am going to change the U.S. into my bastardized vision of the world should look like) Barack Hussein Obama was elected and joined forces with the progressive socialist, globalists leaders of the house and Senate Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid that things truly went out of control.
     When all is said and done this may have been the best outcome for the people of the U.S.A. as the people have gotten to view how destructive 6 years of the Progressive ideology has been to our country. They have shredded the Constitution destroyed our economic system, taken our money and our grandchildren’s future, promoted class warfare and openly supported the breaking of laws and insurrection, not in the name of the Constitution but in the name of a One World Government Order. This vision of the Progressives seeks to take the power and wealth of the U.S.A. and give it to the rest of the world because we are bad; we have too much money which the already failed Progressive Communist states need to make everyone equal which is impossibility. They seek to stop the American people from using the vast resources of our nation, the resources which until recently made us the envy of the world and made us rich.
This regime has been using borrowed money from countries such as China to give to other counties around the world which the American taxpayer has to pay interest on and pay back so these countries can exploit their own resources and make Americans give their money to countries around the world that hate us and will someday use this money to kill us. The USDA uses about $140 billion that is borrowed for its budget of which $35 Billion is used to buy food and send to countries, again which hate us so their children can grow up strong and someday kill us. I see a pattern emerging here.
    All this is accomplished through the greatest fraud and money laundering scheme in the history of the world and it comes at the expense of the 49% of Americans that pay taxes. The Progressives which never met a law they were not afraid to break, realized long ago that the majority of Americans had faith in their Government that they were doing the right thing for the American people and they were too busy going to work raising their children and worrying about paying their bill to pay attention or get involved with the political process. Over the last five decades the Progressives made an unholy alliance with unconstitutional public unions whereby they took massive amounts of taxpayer money and gave the unions everything and anything they wanted. In return the unions enriched by taxpayer money turned around and has given trillions of taxpayer dollars back to the Progressives so the fund their smear campaigns against conservatives and stay in power to continue the greatest theft in the history of the world the raping of America.
     Earlier in the article it was stated “When all is said and done this may have been the best outcome for the people of the U.S.A.” This is because it has awakened all of America and has spontaneously united Americans from all walks of life into millions of small groups called in whole “The Tea Party”. These groups do not vote base race or color or ideology the vote on principle and have one major goal ; restoring the Constitution to its rightful place as the most important document ever written.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Herman Caine, America’s first Black President

    While it true any Republican candidate will change the course of America for the better, it is Herman Caine alone can change the course of America for the next 50 years. A Herman Caine candidacy has the possibility of totally disrupting if not destroying the Democratic Party getting an estimated 35% of the black vote, historic numbers for any Republican Presidential candidate. If Caine is teamed up with someone like Mark Rubio it could devastate the Democratic Party for decades.
   All this can be accomplished by Herman Caine running as the first black American to be the headliner on the ticket of a major political party. People will say Obama is the first black President some even say Bill Clinton was the first black President. Barack Obama was having a hard time getting labeled a black man even after being elected and the mainstream media proclaiming him to be a god and savior of America, as reported by the AP in a 2008 and printed in the Huffington Post.
There are many other examples as sighted in a 2007 article in Time U.S.
Stanley Crouch recently sniffed in a New York Daily News column entitled "What Obama Isn't: Black Like Me." "Black, in our political and social vocabulary, means those descended from West African slaves," wrote Debra Dickerson on the liberal website Salon. Writers like TIME and New Republic columnist Peter Beinart have argued that Obama is seen as a "good black," and thus has less of following among black people. Meanwhile, agitators like Al Sharpton are seen as the authentic "bad blacks." Obama's trouble, asserted Beinart, is that he will have to prove his loyalty to The People in a way that "bad blacks" never have to.

Read more:,8599,1584736,00.html#ixzz1bEs94cYf
    Comparing the upbringing of the two men as Herman Caine is fond of saying “Is like comparing apples and oranges.” President Obama’s parents consist of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas, which means he is of a multi-racial heritage and still raises concerns if he is a native born American. Herman Caine’s parents are both black, born and raised in the U.S.A.

      Obama was born on August 4, 1961, at Kapiʻolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital according to documents produced by him after years of pressure and millions of dollars spent trying to hide his past which causes some to believe that the documents are forged. Herman Caine born, December 13, 1945, has no problem proving he was born in America.
     Taking a look at their life’s history President Obama who is believed to be born in 1961 and spent most of his formative years with his white mother and then with his white grandmother in Hawaii after his Communist father abandoned him and his mother to go back to Kenya and later spend time in Washington State mainly with white people and attend the “Little Red (Communist) Church on the hill”. President Obama never felt the firsthand effects of the Civil Rights battles of the early 1960’s. Herman Caine was born in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lenora Caine (née Davis), a cleaning woman, and Luther Cain, Jr., who was raised on a farm and worked as a chauffeur, barber and janitor. Mr. Caine experienced the segregation and racism firsthand.
     President Obama used his privileged up bringing to become community organizer, Senator and finally President of the U.S.A. all along the way taking and never giving or building anything. Herman Caine used his not so privileged up bringing to go to school work hard and became a very very productive African American.
 He is the former chairman and CEO of Godfather's Pizza and a former chairman (Omaha Branch board 1989–91), deputy chairman (1992–94) and chairman (1995–96) of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.[5] Before his business career he worked as a mathematician in ballistics as a civilian employee of the United States Navy.[6][7] He lives in the Atlanta suburbs, where he also serves as an associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church North.
     Who is the Black American and better role model for the young if the choice is between President Obama and Herman Caine? Make your own choice as I have made mine.