Thursday, June 16, 2011

The USDA Should we get rid of it?

Today on C- SPAN the Agriculture Dept. Budget it is not entertaining but should be watched by all Americans.
     The USDA is taking your and giving free food to to countries that hate us and likes I am all for charity but would take your credit card and buy food for everyone in the next town over. Charity begins at home. We are borrowing money and paying interest on that money to give food to other countries that have the to feed themselves and the politicians keep saying we have starving people here does that make sense???
Department of Agriculture Wasting Your Money
By: Mark Joppa (Mark is a tea party activist in the Hudson Valley, New York)
The United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) in fiscal year 2010 had a combined budget of 134 billion dollars, I’m sorry that is just insane. In fiscal year 2007 the USDA had a poultry budget of 88 billion dollars.  What the hell could the Department of Agriculture spend 88 billion dollars on in 2007?  Never mind 2007, let’s move more into the present and discuss the 2011 budget.
President Obama has proposed a budget for the USDA of another poultry sum of 145 billion dollars. In these tough times with high unemployment and the historically high national debt, how in the world can President Obama propose a budget of 145 billion dollars for the USDA?  The man has lost it.  Does he think this is the way to get the country going again?
Why the agency is named the USDA or “The United States Department of Agriculture” in the first place and what does it mean? The legal definition of “United States” is,  includes the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth an of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Wake Island, the Midway Islands, Kingman Reef, and Johnston Island.
The next word up is “Department”, one of the principal divisions of the U.S. federal government, headed by a Secretary who is a member of the President's cabinet Not many of us can say we had the first one right, but I’m pretty sure pretty sure everyone has “Department” correct.
Onto the final word “Agriculture”, 1) farming: the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock,  2) Agriculture is the production of food and goods through farming, 3) The art or science of cultivating the ground, including the harvesting of crops, and the rearing and management of livestock; tillage; husbandry; farming. I think we all have that one correct.
I listed three definitions for “Agriculture” for a reason; it doesn’t come close to what I thought it meant. When you add the word agriculture to the words “The United States Department of . . .” it seems to have magically changed the definition to something that is almost indefinable.
“The Secretary of Agriculture, assisted by the Deputy Secretary, the Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries and members of their immediate staffs, directs and coordinates the work of the Department. Provide policy direction for all of the Departments responsibilities including research, educational and regulatory activities, nutrition, conservation and farm programs, forestry and International Farming.”
Wow, the office of the Secretary of Agriculture sure has a lot of responsibility and power!  Identifying the lengthy list of Departments, Agencies and Companies that fall directly or indirectly under the auspices of the USDA and in turn those agencies have multiple agencies under them and so on and so on, alone, will have your head spinning (listed below).  (I would have to write a series of twenty or more articles to truly explain the enormous duplicating nature, fraud and abuse that occurs with so many sub companies and agencies).
USDA has to be investigated and closed down
     The 2011 budget for the agency called the Department of Agriculture is $149,000,000,000.  It is nothing but a dumping ground for the socialist left wing of the Democrat Party, who have filled the thousands of numerous government positions with high paying salaries and cushy jobs, and in turn have lined the pockets of the Democrat Party.
If we break things down, I bet less than 5% of the revenue reaches agriculture.  Most of the funds are spent enforcing existing rules on private business.  In three years this agency has had an increase of $46,000,000,000 under the Democrats.  Open your eyes America – the taxpayer is getting screwed.
       With so much to choose from the orderly way to write about all the agencies and programs of the USDA is start at the top of the index and try not to get sidetracked by the insanity of the complexity of the USDA. I my humble opinion there is only one reason to structure something like the USDA is structured and that’s to make the average American’s head explode before they made it through the first set of agencies (Raquel you can take that line out if you like) or make the average American give up and do what most people do and say “That’s the U.S. Government for you.”
       So let’s begin at the top of the 2012 Budget Proposal with the “Preface” that explains the terminology at a glance along with the hope and dreams of the agency which start off with the “Overview”. This goes onto say the following “Overview - Provide an overview of the 2012 budget by strategic goal and budget authority and outlays and identifies key budget proposals”  The ‘Overview lays out a basic form as to what types of programs that the money will be spent on and shows a comparison of FY 2011 Budget and the FY 2012 Budget. This is also where I had to double and triple check to make sure I was still looking at the FY 2012 Budget for the USDA. Page one was OK showing a chart comparing the budgets over the last 4 years the same goes for the top of page2, but on the bottom of page 2 there is a pie chart showing a slice of just 13% of the $145,000,000,000 budget going to what they term “Farm and Commodity Programs”. If I combine my Math and English skills together I come up with just a total of 18.2 billion dollars being spent on agriculture out of the 145 billion dollar Agriculture Department’s budget. I may not be the brightest person in the room and considering I think of myself as an average American I’m beginning to feel like the Robot in “Lost in Space” having a meltdown as the preceding sentence does not compute. As I scanned the pages of the Proposed Budget I was holding there was barely a mention of the words Farm or Agriculture for the next 12 pages until I finally reached ‘Mission Area/Agency Details”.
      The first section up in this area of the Budget is called “Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services” page 15 sounds good so far. Finally I have an agency home page that I can go to and find out what they spend the money on in the Agriculture portion of the Budget “The Farm Service Agency or FSA” I click on the address look under search I click on all FSA and find 15 more departments under the FSA.
       The reason I started looking into the USDA was because I was looking into waste and fraud in Hati and almost every agency I looked at in Hati led to the USDA so I started to look at the USDA instead and I have come to this conclusion one man can audit the USDA but he would have to give up his job, his social life, his wife and kids and have to move to Washington. I’ve been sitting here for 2 hours looking at the mass of data that I have collected so far on the first of 10 major agencies under the USDA and have to admit defeat. Have I proved anything not legally, but like some of the founding Fathers that warned about not using plain language,  John Adams criticized English legal language and the "useless words" in the colonial charters. Jefferson lambasted the traditional style of statutes,
           which from their verbosity, their endless tautologies, their involutions of case within case, and parenthesis within parenthesis, and their multiplied efforts at certainty by saids and aforesaid, by ors and by ands, to make them more plain, do really render them more perplexed and incomprehensible, not only to common readers, but to lawyers themselves
         what do they have to hide. In the budget they don’t talk about salaries as in weekly or yearly they use the term feral staff years or non- federal staff years, in some places they add administrative cost and salaries together and some places not, in some part they give the exact cost plus increase in others just the increase. Why is the USDA paying for reconstruction projects in Afghanistan? Why is the USDA spending 200.5 million to feed pre schoolers in other countries and another 156 million for food for progress whatever that is. FAS is paying the State Department n additional 7.4 million for overseas administration how much are the paying them already why are the paying another branch of government and on and on it makes me sick to see where and how our money is spent. That the reason they bury it in the USDA budget no one will look there.
        I suggest that everyone down load a copy of the USDA budget and bring your favorite parts to the attention of your Senator and Representative, I’m sure they will be happy to hear from you not….MJ

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

After my astonishing and truly amazing feat of extra sensory perception I your humble High School Graduate shall put it all on the line and attempt to use my Power of Prognostication to divine the future once again. Thisis a follow up to my article "What will happen if we Raise DebtCeiling"   

The debt ceiling debate will be heating up again very soon. In the first article I basically said nothing would happen and I was correct. Who would have thought this disabled printer with a high school education, with no economics degree from Harvard or Yale could have figured that one out. But the morons went and stole the money from retirement plans. They have to be trying to screw us on purpose. They know the truth about what is coming and they could have eased through this by implementing a few minor changes. Things such as a hiring freeze and a modified work in order to have the money to continue on but no they put the pedal to the metal when the tank was on empty.
     I haven’t done the numbers yet for the one coming but it won't be pretty. What the hell is going on, supposedly we have a bunch smart people looking at this crap how could these people not ease up. They know this know we are going to reach the ceiling soon all. What, do these people think we are stupid?  We could have gotten through this almost painlessly. But they want a crisis, I say that because there has not been one single cut back or modification made by the people in power.
     The only reason for not stepping in and doing something is that the leaders in both parties want to see a crisis. In the case of the debt ceiling it is not just the socialist Democratic party involved in sticking it to the people it is both parties otherwise something would have been done. They both want a crisis so they just let one happen.
       If anyone reading this knows of a cutback or a modification made or any attempt to slow the government down please tell me. They sit there in the Washington pointing fingers and blaming each other when they know damn well we could have gotten through this as just a little bump in the road.
      I will say it again they knew six months ago that the debt ceiling was going to be reached and no one did a damn thing to stop it. They comfortable to sit and point fingers and blame each other while the average American is going to get screwed. There Republicans are going to say we couldn’t do everything we wanted to because we had to comprise

The Debt Cieling Revisited

     After my astonishing and truly amazing feat of extra sensory perseption I your humble High School Graduate shall put it all on the line and attempt to use my Power of Prognostication to divine the future once again. This is afollow up to my article "What will happens if we do not Raise the Debt Ceiling"
     The debt ceiling debate will be heating up again very soon. In the first article I basically said nothing would happen and I was correct. Who would have thought this disabled printer with a high school education, with no economics degree from Harvard or Yale could have figured that one out. But the morons went and stole the money from retirement plans. They have to be trying to screw us on purpose. They know the truth about what is coming and they could have eased through this by implementing a few minor changes. Things such as a hiring freeze and a modified work in order to have the money to continue on but no they put the pedal to the metal when the tank was on empty.
     I haven’t done the numbers yet for the one coming but it won't be pretty. What the hell is going on, supposedly we have a bunch smart people looking at this crap how could these people not ease up. They know this know we are going to reach the ceiling soon all. What, do these people think we are stupid?  We could have gotten through this almost painlessly. But they want a crisis, I say that because there has not been one single cut back or modification made by the people in power.
     The only reason for not stepping in and doing something is that the leaders in both parties want to see a crisis. In the case of the debt ceiling it is not just the socialist Democratic party involved in sticking it to the people it is both parties otherwise something would have been done. They both want a crisis so they just let one happen.
     If anyone reading this knows of a cutback or a modification made or any attempt to slow the government down please tell me. They sit there in the Washington pointing fingers and blaming each other when they know damn well we could have gotten through this as just a little bump in the road.
     I will say it again they knew six months ago that the debt ceiling was going to be reached and no one did a damn thing to stop it. They comfortable to sit and point fingers and blame each other while the average American is going to get screwed. There Republicans are going to say we couldn’t do everything we wanted to because we had to comprise

Monday, June 13, 2011

Where do I Begin?

This is a story I wrote in April, this is a very outspoken article so if you are offended easily do not read this article. This article may offend some but you what I think it is the truth and if you don't like show me something to prove me wrong and I will post it here with an apology.....MJ

Posted by Raquel on Apr 28th, 2011 and filed under Political Blog. You
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By: Mark Joppa (Mark is a Tea Party Originalist from the Hudson Valley, New York.)
Usually I pick a subject to write about, but at this time there are two dozen important topics to discuss, please excuse me if I wonder aloud.
The President was elected with the so- called mainstream media covering up every single thing that showed Barack Husein Obama  would be an incompetent and possibly a dangerous man to have as president.  A quick look back reveals a media that covered up Reverend Wright as racist, as any Klu Klux Klan member could be. Then they excuse it because, “He’s black, we have to understand what the black people in this country have been through.“  Well I have a news flash:  Slavery ended about 150 years ago, and it’s been about 50 years now, that American blacks have been unconstitutionally discriminating against white people, rather than assimilating into the American society.  American blacks have been surpassed by more recent immigrant groups; such as Asians and Hispanics.
This past Easter Sunday with a dozen black churches in the Washington area, our racist “Christian“ President attended church services in a church that has a Pastor that is the equal of Reverend Wright – another black racist preacher. This leads me to believe the media covered up another one of the President‘s lies when he said “Even though I have been in Wright’s church I never heard him say anything racist.“  (B.S. I said back then!)

Our racist president feels comfortable with other racists, because he is one of them!  He said he wanted to bring people together, yet he is the head cheerleader separating this country by race, by class, by any means he see’s fit. He pokes his head out of the White House long enough to back unions against the Wisconsin government, who are working hard for the tax payer, then rushes off to take another vacation, while his brainwashed minions flood the states, and do millions of dollars in damage.
Think about it, millions of brain-dead, self hating white people are the reason why Obama got elected to begin with.  These idiots have been brainwashed and actually believe the media drum beat:  whites are bad and we owe something to the blacks. We owe them nothing! They have been surpassed  by people who want to work, want to assimilate, and have a dress code and ethics that American blacks could learn from.   For the life of me, I don’t understand how the white population, that are supposed to be educated, did the math and came up with an answer that told them Obama would be a good President.
I will give it a try, anyway. His mother and father were Communists.  When living in Washington State, Obama attended the “little red church“ but it wasn’t called that because it was painted red, it was called that because Obama was attending socialist conferences. In Hawaii, he met Frank Marshall Davis, a person who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and Obama had an admitted relationship with.
The President will not produce any records, he won’t answer questions about or produce documents regarding how, or who helped him get into Columbia and Harvard, or where the money came from. He goes to live in Chicago – I guess he likes the chilly weather. He becomes a community organizer and hooks up with a racist preacher and a 60’s radical that was the head of a radical group that blew up buildings and killed people.  I suppose they must be really nice people too, once you get to know them. For a cup of coffee, he get’s into the Illinois Senate,  and almost immediately starts to campaign for President.
And finally, I am begging someone, anyone, please explain why, not only the brain-dead white people voted for him, but the brain-dead black people voted for him too. Someone please tell me who in their right mind could actually think this lying, racist, socialist was the best person in the United States to become the most powerful man in the world.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Islam is it a Religion of Peace and the words of Muhammad


They are taught hate, kill and die for Allah

Is it worth it?

    In this first part of I guess you can call it a speech I will recite just a few of Muhammad’s verses found in the Qur’an, the Bukhari and elsewhere in the Islamic Holy books. It has been a real challenge trying to decide which verses to include since I had come up with almost 20 pages of Muhammad’s hate filled utterances and Prophecies and  and  480 verses alone in Qur’an  for this peaceful religion as we here on TV night after night. I just would like to clear one thing up before we get to that murdering, raping, thieving, greedy, lying, pedophile known as the Profit of the Islamic religion Muhammad. When the Muslims talk about Islam as a religion of peace they are actually talking about the peace that Islam will bring to the earth after it has subjugated, killed or converted evrt man woman and child on the face of the earth. Bukhari:V4B52N50 “The Prophet said, ‘A single endeavor of fighting in Allah’s Cause is better than the world and whatever is in it.”
fshaq.587”Our onslaught will not be a weak faltering affair. We shall fight as long as we live. We will fight until you turn to Islam, humbly seeking refuge. We will fight not caring whom we meet. We will fight whether we destroy ancient holdings or newly gotten gains. We have mutilated every opponent. We have driven them violently before us at the command of Allah and Islam. We will fight until our religion is established. And we will plunder them, for they must suffer disgrace.”
Qur’an 9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”
    This next verse is one of the verses that have caused some difficulties through the centuries It has to do with becoming a martyr when fighting in a holy war. The reward for a martyr as I found out is not a settled issue, there is a debate whether it’s 70 or 72 virgins or angels black eyes or not. Whatever it is, it causes the Muslims to fight with total abandon because in their minds when they die the majority are truly going to someplace better. It’s hard for the opposing force to match there enthusiasm.
Bukhari:V4B53N386 “Our Prophet ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah alone or pay us the Jizyah tribute tax in submission. Our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says: ‘Whoever amongst us is killed as a martyr shall go to Paradise to lead such a luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever survives shall become your master.”
Bukhari:V1B2N25 “Allah’s Apostle was asked, ‘What is the best deed?’ He replied, to believe in Allah and His Apostle Muhammad.’ The questioner then asked, ‘What is the next best in goodness?’ He replied, ‘to participate in Jihad, religious fighting in Allah’s Cause.’”
Muslirn:C40B20N4676 “Jihad Is Compulsory.”
Bukhari:V4B52N208 “My brother and I came to the Prophet and asked to migrate. He said, ‘Migration has passed away.’ I replied, ‘For what will you accept our pledge of allegiance?” He said, ‘I will take the pledge for Islam and Jihad.”
9:111 “The Believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain, kill and are killed.”
 0 Jshaq:324 “Fight them so that there is no more rebellion, and religion, all of it, is for Allah only. Allah must not have rivals.”
 Qur’an 9:14 “Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands, lay them low, and cover them with shame. He will help you over them.”
Ishaq :300 “I am fighting in Allah’s service. This is piety and a good deed. In Allah’s war I do not fear as others should. For this fighting is righteous, true, and good.”
    I’m just going to slip in a couple of sura’s that arrived just in time to aid Muhammad in some of activities that where a little questionable at the time, they even have a quote from his wife pointing out how lucky he was to receive so many divine revelations just at the right time.
    Muhammad married Safiya after murdering her father, torturing to death her husband and massacring her entire tribe. He married Juwariyah after raiding her people, massacring the men and robbing their wealth and taking the women and children as slaves. He took Rayhana, the 15 year old Jewish girl  after massacring all them men and boys who had reached puberty of her tribe and took all the women and children as slaves. Now that sounds like a guy that I want my daughter to marry.
    Sura 2-191 2-217 is another revelation pulled out of thin air Muhammad send troops to observe a caravan to see what they are doing but they attack it instead the pr is it is the last day of the holy month of Rajab and they are not allowed to wage jihad in that month so Muhammad refuses his 1/5 share of the booty then all of a sudden right out of thin air another revelation hey guys come on back this is another surrah that belongs in the Koran 2-217 give me my cut .Whatever sin his men had committed was far less of a sin than the sins of the Kingdom of Kurash had committed so it was ok to kill them. A basic interpretation is "Anything good for Muslims and bad for the rest of us is ok according to the Koran.
   I could stand here all night and recite verses but I’d like to move on to something a little more contemporary and give some more recent statements from the leading Muslims of the 20th century ‘but this too is a challenge as there just as many if not more quotes from Islam’s more recent history. I find it really disturbing that the government, our government which is supposed to be looking out for We the people are kow towing to a group of people who believe in a bunch of ideological hog wash put together by people that could barely figure out what to put in it and entrusted the work to a guy that was supposed to have memorized (a Hafiz ) the Koran i.e. Muhammad’s right hand man who then says that it was his most difficult task ever because he had to hunt down bits and pieces of the Qur’an from people, different mosques, holy sites papyrus leaves, the men’s room wall just about everywhere But yet he was chosen because he was a hafiz one who had it memorized. Shortly after they finished putting the Koran together they found that there where others that where put together Qu’rans. They collected them and burned them.  I’d like to start with someone most of us should know and love The Iatola Khomeini of Iran. Not many people know he is also a pedophile. He married a 10 year old and she miscarried at 11 years of age.
    The Iatola Khomeini  "There are a hundreds of koranic psalms and hadiths urging Muslims to value war as a fight. Does all this mean that Islam is a religion that prevents men from wagering war I spit upon those fools soles who make such a claim”
Islam says; kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all
    Islam says; kill them put them to the sword and scatter (there armies)
    Islam says; whatever good exists is due to the sword and the shadow of the swor
    And it goes on and on and on.
    I could have put down 100 quotes from 100 different Islamic leaders in the last 20 years and not even scratched the surface. The swamp would still be filled and our Government does not have the will to confront it and empty it. This is just one man’s opinion but make no mistake I am the one who is correct, Islam is not a religion, Islam is not peaceful, and The people of the Islamic faith would kill every man and most women and children and enslave they rest if they were ever given the chance. These people are dangerous.
      In March 2006, Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, an Iranian-born American citizen, confessed to intentionally hitting people with a sport utility vehicle on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to "avenge the deaths of Muslims worldwide" and to "punish" the United States government.
    I put this in the speech because nobody can tell exactly how many such attacks over the last 20 Years or exactly how long these types of attacks have been happening. Attacks may happen in small towns and big media buries the stories. Maybe homeland security could tell you but they won’t. The Government of Sweden won’t even say the muslin, in the last 5 years every reported rape in Sweden has been committed by a man of other than Swedish origin a Muslim they come from the middle east only knowing sharia law and they think it is their right to commit rape. When are the governments of the word wake up?