All though the dark the times for the U.S. were started under the Presidency of the Republican Progressive George Bush which led to the total loss of the House and Senate for his final two years in office, it wasn’t until Mr. Hope and Change (I hope I can handle this job and I am going to change the U.S. into my bastardized vision of the world should look like) Barack Hussein Obama was elected and joined forces with the progressive socialist, globalists leaders of the house and Senate Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid that things truly went out of control.
When all is said and done this may have been the best outcome for the people of the U.S.A. as the people have gotten to view how destructive 6 years of the Progressive ideology has been to our country. They have shredded the Constitution destroyed our economic system, taken our money and our grandchildren’s future, promoted class warfare and openly supported the breaking of laws and insurrection, not in the name of the Constitution but in the name of a One World Government Order. This vision of the Progressives seeks to take the power and wealth of the U.S.A. and give it to the rest of the world because we are bad; we have too much money which the already failed Progressive Communist states need to make everyone equal which is impossibility. They seek to stop the American people from using the vast resources of our nation, the resources which until recently made us the envy of the world and made us rich.
This regime has been using borrowed money from countries such as China to give to other counties around the world which the American taxpayer has to pay interest on and pay back so these countries can exploit their own resources and make Americans give their money to countries around the world that hate us and will someday use this money to kill us. The USDA uses about $140 billion that is borrowed for its budget of which $35 Billion is used to buy food and send to countries, again which hate us so their children can grow up strong and someday kill us. I see a pattern emerging here.
All this is accomplished through the greatest fraud and money laundering scheme in the history of the world and it comes at the expense of the 49% of Americans that pay taxes. The Progressives which never met a law they were not afraid to break, realized long ago that the majority of Americans had faith in their Government that they were doing the right thing for the American people and they were too busy going to work raising their children and worrying about paying their bill to pay attention or get involved with the political process. Over the last five decades the Progressives made an unholy alliance with unconstitutional public unions whereby they took massive amounts of taxpayer money and gave the unions everything and anything they wanted. In return the unions enriched by taxpayer money turned around and has given trillions of taxpayer dollars back to the Progressives so the fund their smear campaigns against conservatives and stay in power to continue the greatest theft in the history of the world the raping of America.
Earlier in the article it was stated “When all is said and done this may have been the best outcome for the people of the U.S.A.” This is because it has awakened all of America and has spontaneously united Americans from all walks of life into millions of small groups called in whole “The Tea Party”. These groups do not vote base race or color or ideology the vote on principle and have one major goal ; restoring the Constitution to its rightful place as the most important document ever written.
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