I would guess you could consider this a public service announcement for the Tea Party article because you can swap out Rep. Hayworth for most of the Republicans (and please feel free to do so if needed in a debate) These are some of key votes taken by Rep. Hayworth; 1) Continuing resolution, to approve a stopgap spending measure to fund the government through Nov. 18. Definition support to expanded Government. 2) Final debt deal. A bill to cut the federal debt by at least $2.1 trillion over the next 10 years. A lie the numbers don't cut anything. http://nation.foxnews.com/debt-crisis/2011/08/01/tea-party-shock-infuriating-debt-deal-details . Definition support to expanded Government. 3) Boehner debt-reduction bill. To raise the debt ceiling, make budget deficit reductions, and require a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. Definition; To increase in size, quantity, The act of raising or increasing. A balanced budget is neither required nor Constitutional. 4) GOP 2012 Budget Plan. Establishing the Budget for the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2012 and Setting Forth Appropriate Budgetary Levels for Fiscal Years 2013 Through 2021 The numbers say the Ryan plan still increases the budget over the next 10 years. http://thenewamerican.com/usnews/congress/7141-house-approves-ryan-budget-conservatives-pan-plan-for-20-yrs-of-deficits . Definition support to expanded Government. 5) Final vote on 2011 budget. Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011. Constitutional. 6) Short-term budget deal Stopgap spending bill to keep the government running for a week. Supporting big Government. 7) To stop federal funding of National Public Radio To Prohibit Federal Funding of National Public Radio and the Use of Federal Funds to Acquire Radio Content. Constitutional. 8) Two-week budget bill A stopgap measure that would keep the federal government funded through March 18 and cut $4 billion in spending by targeting programs that President Obama has already marked for elimination. http://www.teaparty.org/article.php?id=514 . 9) A 90-day extension of Patriot Act provisions Extends three provisions of the Patriot Act until May 27, 2011, a compromise reached by congressional leaders to give lawmakers more time to consider re-authorizing them for a longer period of time. Unconstitutional. See 10) Extend three provisions of the Patriot Act
Extends three key provisions of the counter terrorism surveillance law until Dec. 8, 2011. One of the provisions authorizes the FBI to continue using roving wiretaps on surveillance targets; the second allows the government to access "any tangible items," such as library records, in the course of surveillance; and the third is a "lone wolf" provision that allows for the surveillance of targets who are not connected to an identified terrorist group. This subject is one of the subjects I spoke personally about when she called me about 2 months ago. I asked her about the 5 person Congressional panel which is suppose to oversee all the secret stuff and report to Congress. I mentioned an article which stated that there needs to be 3 members to become active and it only had to and then she assured me that regular briefings were occurring 2 days later I ran across this article I believe http://thatsmycongress.com/index.php/2011/03/11/congress-isnt-getting-information-about-the-patriot-act/. I do not think she even knew the panel existed I emailed her immediately and for only the third time in 9 months I received a response to an email. The first was a standard letter issued to the brain dead on this issue the second was a thank you when I said I would stop my letter writing campaign. The other 50 or so emails on subjects of importance have been totally ignored by Rep. Nan Hayworth. I think i will challenge her to a debate at the next Town Hall. There is a lot more but I think I have made my case. She calls herself a Constitutioalist. KNOWLEDGE, is she a liar you make the call. is POWER....MJ
Extends three key provisions of the counter terrorism surveillance law until Dec. 8, 2011. One of the provisions authorizes the FBI to continue using roving wiretaps on surveillance targets; the second allows the government to access "any tangible items," such as library records, in the course of surveillance; and the third is a "lone wolf" provision that allows for the surveillance of targets who are not connected to an identified terrorist group. This subject is one of the subjects I spoke personally about when she called me about 2 months ago. I asked her about the 5 person Congressional panel which is suppose to oversee all the secret stuff and report to Congress. I mentioned an article which stated that there needs to be 3 members to become active and it only had to and then she assured me that regular briefings were occurring 2 days later I ran across this article I believe http://thatsmycongress.com/index.php/2011/03/11/congress-isnt-getting-information-about-the-patriot-act/. I do not think she even knew the panel existed I emailed her immediately and for only the third time in 9 months I received a response to an email. The first was a standard letter issued to the brain dead on this issue the second was a thank you when I said I would stop my letter writing campaign. The other 50 or so emails on subjects of importance have been totally ignored by Rep. Nan Hayworth. I think i will challenge her to a debate at the next Town Hall. There is a lot more but I think I have made my case. She calls herself a Constitutioalist. KNOWLEDGE, is she a liar you make the call. is POWER....MJ
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