Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Name Is Mark Joppa and I am Running For President Part1

My Name Is Mark Joppa and I am Running For President
     Yes I am running to become the next president of the United States. Looking around this great County and seeing a Country that look’s or acts nothing like the Country I spent my youth in is depressing and angering. People often make a comparison between the Roman Republic and the American Republic which is not fair in a lot of ways. The Roman Republic was put together with violence by the conquering of other people and civilizations and enslaving them to extract the wealth of those countries. The American Republic has come about though the extraordinary thoughts and visions of a small group of men and a large group of people that felt enslaved.
     The straw that broke the camel’s back was a tea tax which sparked the Boston Tea Party. I short the Boston Tea Party was set off by a tea tax, a group of men boarded a ship in Boston Harbor and threw the tea the ship was carrying into the harbor. Most of you are probably saying to yourself “I know that” he didn’t have to explain that, this is one reason I am running, I am not sure some of the younger people know this. The public school system has been stolen; it seems as if the United States public at large cannot find the type of school they went to when they were young. The school system once an adequate institution teaching a heavy dose of English, Math, Reading, Writing, History and Science is now nowhere to be found.  The school system seems to have been taken over by Radial Unions controlled by Socialist and Minority Radicals.
      The Education of the children of this still Great Country of ours will be one of three major areas that I will attack first at the beginning of my Presidency. The other two subjects will be the Economy and the Military all you people on the both side of social issues will just have to sit down shut up until this country is saved and going in the right direction.
     After living in this country 54 years and listening to politicians on both sides break down and cry about how tough their job is and how hard it is to get something done it simply amazes me. They have instructions that were put down on paper over two hundred year ago called “The Constitution of the United States of America”. Education is on top of my list of things to do partly because we have Politicians, Judges, and Teachers that have never read it or they have poor comprehension skills and don’t understand what it means. If they would all follow the instructions that were left them by an extraordinary group of men called our Forefathers this country will have the potential to remain the greatest civilization the world has ever seen or will see in its history.
     Starting with the Dept. of Education, I will look into how fast I can dismantle it. In 1962 under President Johnson began a push to put more money into the Dept. of Education. Since 1962 we have put more than $150,000,000,000 into the Dept. of Education, the results received from all the money dumped into this Department if it were your EKG you would be dead. The progress this Department has made in the education of our children if based on test scores and put on a graph is a flat line from 1962 until 2010. Put in words, that means after more than $150,000,000,000 on the Education Dept. there has been a 0% rise in the test scores of our children. Let’s look at the instruction on how to run a successful Republic, as I look at the instructions I cannot find the word Education that must mean it is up to the States to Educate our children.
     As President of These United States of America I will eliminate the Department of Education as quickly and responsibly as possible.
     Moving on to the Economy OMG it’s a mess. Don’t panic let’s take a look at the instructions. As I look I do not see anything resembling EPA I can’t for the life of me find the word environmentalist. Do not misunderstand me I will fight for everyone to have clean air and water, but I will not stand for a 2 inch long smelt to kill 40,000 jobs in the San Joaquin Valley. I would give them 48 hrs. and then turn the water back on. I will never let a salamander stop progress. A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service analysis estimated the economic impact of designating about 382,000 acres in 20 California counties as the salamander's "critical habitat" where development would be restricted $367 million in lost development opportunities
    I will open up federal land to logging to bring back logging in California, Colorado and other States.

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