Saturday, June 11, 2011

President (Part II)

I will open up federal land to logging to bring back logging in California, Colorado and other States. I will build new power plants, nuclear, gas, and coal all built with the best technology available today. As it stands right now because of the environmentalists energy costs are far to high in this country. Nuclear power Is the cheapest power available at this time but as my policies take effect it will not remain the least expensive energy producer. Natural gas is so understudied in this country we don’t even have a clue as to how much we have. If you look at known reserves they haven’t even calculated how long we could supply the country with power. The coal reserves in this country in this country are almost incalculable. Last but not least that horrible substance called oil, here I am going to do the environmentalist a favor. They say we have so little of the Earths reserves that we have to develop alternative sources of energy, I will open up Federal owned lands, the intercontinental shelf and Alaska to rid this Country of that horrible menace called oil.
I do expect some resistance to my plans for oil mainly because I believe the current government is lying, this country has enough oil for hundreds of years of supply if the power industry is turned over to nuclear, gas, and coal. The oil industry in 2010 had a major spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which was followed up by further shutting down the oil industry, and the Obama administration’s non existing response to the spill. Offers of assistance from around the world poured in, all of which were turned down for reasons a multitude of excuses have been made but do nothing to point out what the truth probably is. The Obama administration wanted the worst possible outcome for the oil industry and his backers unions didn’t want noon unionized workers entering U.S. waters and the environmentalists wanted something huge to scare the American public with. Putting into perspective the poorly handled spill is not hard one year later, any sign of the sky is falling predictions that the administration and environmental groups predicted cannot be seen. There is no sign of oil on the beaches or the horrible environmental calamity predicted, the only predictions that have even come close to those predicted a year ago are the economic predictions and although these predictions come from a man made source they have nothing to do with oil.
The Obama administration is the direct cause of hundreds and thousands of lost jobs in the gulf coast area, by falsifying scientific reports and ignoring court order after court order to resume drilling. When finally agreeing to resume drilling they refused to allow new permits site devastating new regulations they said were absolutely necessary to insure safe drilling in the gulf. If the American public believes this they are idiots. This is the only major spill in the gulf do to an American permitted rig in forty years, what other industry can point to a safety record such as this. There is no real mention that the members in his administration were to busy seeing what kind of free trips they could get rather than enforcing the rule and regulations that were on the books already. When it come to the long term recovery of the gulf before anyone believes anything an environmentalist says take a good look at their starting point about dead zones in the gulf. Little if nothing has been said about the nature of the gulf, the Gulf of Mexico as a body of water has one of the largest natural seeping of oil into a body of water in the world. I would bet few if any people reading this have heard anything like that before today.
I will allow refineries to be built, and require only the thee major types of fuel be produced instead of the sixteen now required by government regulation. The price of gas shall fall and the price of heating oil along with it while creating millions of jobs desperately needed in the U.S. We shall move as rapidly and safely as possible to not only supply Americas need for natural gas but move towards becoming the worlds largest exporter of natural gas. The other product the U.S. should among the worlds leading exporters is coal, the U.S. is blessed with an overabundance of all types of coal and at all depths meaning all different methods may be used to extract it. For some reason coal has really attacked the ire of environmentalists and the E.P.A., there are some problems that have merit with some coal mining methods. The underground mining process creates a large amounts of tailing's and ground water that has to be pumped out as the mines cross the water table which using today’s technology I believe can safely addressed. As far as some states where the coal is near the surface strip mining is used and these well financed environmental groups want to protect what they see as the natural beauty off an area, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some states are blessed with Natural beauty and nothing else, where a state such as West Virginia have some beautiful and an abundance of coal, if a poll were taken I am sure the people of West Virginia would favor strip mining in favor of having it’s population working and thriving and producing wealth from their natural resources rather than move out of an area they have lived in their entire life. After strip mining the area can be put together into a natural state as far as the environmentalists are concerned if you want to see mountains go to Colorado strip mining in West Virginia will not severally impact tourism there. With coal this is where the stupidity of people, the blatant lying of the environmentalist and the power hungry and unconstitutional rulings of the Supreme Court of the U.S.A. all meet. Some types of coal produce more pollutants than others, one major pollutant is carbon monoxide really bad stuff definitely can kill and is hard to remove from the atmosphere than carbon dioxide why is that. How about a little science class first, every living thing on the face of the earth depends on carbon dioxide. I CAN HEAR THE SCREAMS EVEN THOUGH THIS IS NOT EVEN IN PRINT YET. I am sure most people don’t look at it like that and some think it is an outright lie, first off every mammal on the earth and other things naturally produce it. Every plant on earth needs it to survive so how can the court say it is a pollutant, ignorance, arrogance, blatant lies by environmentalist. What kind of hubris does it take a man or group of men to say I or we know what the exact amount of carbon dioxide the earth need to perfectly sustain plant life on the face off the earth who are these people that know this. Some of you may think they can get close measure the size of the trees and forests and they can come close. OK now ad in the fact that the oceans on earth absorb hundreds of time the amount of plants but the fish are living and they need oxygen, the oceans need carbon dioxide to produce the most voluminous plant by weight on the earth, something that if it does not exist the earth is probably a dead planet it is called plankton. Every year hundreds of trillions are produced every year how can any human possibly say I KNOW, I KNOW how much carbon dioxide the earth needs. Does anyone believe that, I don’t even know if the math exists to even formulate such a thing, just think about it the E.P.A. HAS GONE TO THE Supreme Court of the United States of America and said they know, they know exactly how much carbon dioxide is good for the entire earth.

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