Sunday, November 6, 2011

A public service announcement for the Tea Party?

I would guess you could consider this a public service announcement for the Tea Party article because you can swap out Rep. Hayworth for most of the Republicans (and please feel free to do so if needed in a debate) These are some of key votes taken by Rep. Hayworth; 1) Continuing resolution, to approve a stopgap spending measure to fund the government through Nov. 18. Definition support to expanded Government. 2) Final debt deal. A bill to cut the federal debt by at least $2.1 trillion over the next 10 years. A lie the numbers don't cut anything. . Definition support to expanded Government.  3) Boehner debt-reduction bill. To raise the debt ceiling, make budget deficit reductions, and require a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. Definition; To increase in size, quantity, The act of raising or increasing. A balanced budget is neither required nor Constitutional. 4) GOP 2012 Budget Plan. Establishing the Budget for the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2012 and Setting Forth Appropriate Budgetary Levels for Fiscal Years 2013 Through 2021 The numbers say the Ryan plan still increases the budget over the next 10 years. . Definition support to expanded Government. 5) Final vote on 2011 budget. Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011. Constitutional. 6) Short-term budget deal Stopgap spending bill to keep the government running for a week. Supporting big Government. 7) To stop federal funding of National Public Radio To Prohibit Federal Funding of National Public Radio and the Use of Federal Funds to Acquire Radio Content. Constitutional. 8) Two-week budget bill A stopgap measure that would keep the federal government funded through March 18 and cut $4 billion in spending by targeting programs that President Obama has already marked for elimination. . 9) A 90-day extension of Patriot Act provisions Extends three provisions of the Patriot Act until May 27, 2011, a compromise reached by congressional leaders to give lawmakers more time to consider re-authorizing them for a longer period of time. Unconstitutional. See 10) Extend three provisions of the Patriot Act
Extends three key provisions of the counter terrorism surveillance law until Dec. 8, 2011. One of the provisions authorizes the FBI to continue using roving wiretaps on surveillance targets; the second allows the government to access "any tangible items," such as library records, in the course of surveillance; and the third is a "lone wolf" provision that allows for the surveillance of targets who are not connected to an identified terrorist group. This subject is one of the subjects I spoke personally about when she called me about 2 months ago. I asked her about the 5 person Congressional panel which is suppose to oversee all the secret stuff and report to Congress. I mentioned an article which stated that there needs to be 3 members to become active and it only had to and then she assured me that regular briefings were occurring 2 days later I ran across this article I believe I do not think she even knew the panel existed I emailed her immediately and for only the third time in 9 months I received a response to an email. The first was a standard letter issued to the brain dead on this issue the second was a thank you when I said I would stop my letter writing campaign. The other 50 or so emails on subjects of importance have been totally ignored by Rep. Nan Hayworth. I think i will challenge her to a debate at the next Town Hall. There is a lot more but I think I have made my case. She calls herself a Constitutioalist. KNOWLEDGE, is she a liar you make the call. is POWER....MJ

Saturday, November 5, 2011


     Who is Guilty and of what? The United States Government. They are Guilty of allowing an invasion of the United States of America mainly though the southwestern border and lying about the possibility of getting rid of the illegals. In 1954 then President Eisenhower became concerned about the growing problem of illegals in the Western United States and formed a task force under the code name “Operation Wetback” aimed at getting rid of the illegal’s that had crossed the southwestern Border of the United States of America. I know this subject is not on the radar this year but if you want to create at least 4 million jobs immediately and save trillions yes trillions over the next ten years the next POTUS should get rid of the illegal’s, and put the people in government that don’t do their job in jail.
     Eisenhower the appointed General Joseph Swing as INS Commissioner to lead “Operation Wetback” to stem the burgeoning numbers of people violating the laws of the United States of America. Ever back in 1954 President Eisenhower questioned his own Government as here in a letter to Senator J. William Fulbright, Eisenhower quoted a report in The New York Times that said, "The rise in illegal border-crossing by Mexican 'wetbacks' to a current rate of more than 1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the Federal Government." It seems as if the people in government positions of power have been committing Treason as far back as the 1950’s.
     So without the aid of computers and hi-tech equipment “Operation Wetback” got underway in the spring of 1954 in California and Arizona with only 1075 border agents and assistance from the local police not knowing what the outcome would be. By the end of August over 50,000 law breaking illegal aliens were in custody and en estimated 488,000 others had left the two states for fear of going to jail. In Texas another 80,000 were in custody and an estimated 500,000 to 700,000 had fled prosecution in the United States of America by going back to their country. By the time “Operation Wetback” had concluded just a little over one year after it started, having no computers, no high-tech equipment and less than 1100 Border Patrol Agents it is estimated that over 2,000,000 law breaking illegal’s had been apprehended or fled prosecution.
     So here we have a small force of Americans putting a stop to the Mexican /South American/ World invasion of The United States of America. There are some out there that are reading this and say “What’s the big deal” they only want a better life for themselves and others that believe it is Mexico’s land and therefore the right of Mexicans to invade our country. In the next few paragraphs we will explore the cost of the illegals vs. the cost of building a fence.
     By the year 2012 the number of Border Patrol Agents will reach 20,000 men and women and add in all the almost useless high tech equipment the budget will reach 3.6 billion dollars in 2012 which is a huge amount of money for the taxpayers of the United States of America to pay for protection against invasion or so that is what the Liberals want you to believe so they can just let at least an estimated 12,000,000 ( some estimates put the figure at 24 million after amnesty and extended families are let in) criminals stay or pay a nominal fee to stay. The truth is it is a paltry sum to the amount of money it cost the taxpayer compared to allowing the invasion to continue. But it is a paltry sum compared to the cost of illegal’s already in the United States of America. The only good thing about Obama’s economic plan is the Mexicans can’t find a job either and are crossing in smaller numbers and in some cases leaving on their own
    One of my favorite arguments against building a fence to keep out the Criminals the murders the drug smugglers and human traffickers (all trade that cause thousands yes thousands of deaths each year of law abiding citizen of the US.) is the environmental groups that have put in their complaint the “Environment and wildlife groups fear that the plans to clear brush, construct fences, install bright lights, motion sensors, and cameras will scare wildlife and endanger the indigenous species of the area.” They don’t care you or I could be killed at any second by a gang member or a drunk driver that has been arrested  4 or 5 times and is still in the country, they are more worried about a lizard being able to get past the fence. I’d say their priorities are misplaced. Texas Brownsville mayor Pat Ahumada favors alternative options to a border fence. He suggests that the Rio Grande River be widened and deepened to provide for a natural barrier to hinder illegal immigrants and drug smugglers. You couldn’t make it wide enough and keep it cost effective. Why all the opposition to a fence? If done properly it will work that is the bottom line it will work.
    Before we get to the monetary cost to the Tax payers of The United States of America face let’s look at what is rarely talked about OTM’s, Other Than Mexicans 45,000 illegal’s that came from countries that sponsor terrorism where released on the public even though there was no proof of identification between 2001 and 2005. In 2004 the Border Patrol arrested 39,215 OTM,s in 2003 the number has now risen to over 65,000 OTM’s a year. Numbers on the rise in the Tucson Sector include OTM numbers.” The amount of illegal immigrants apprehended from countries other than Mexico rose from 11,600 in 2009 to 14,850 in 2010 in the Tucson Sector That is only one small section of the border. What is the cost we don’t know yet?
      Looking at the monetary costs they are truly staggering. Some of the amounts that I will show date back to 2004 but I do not believe the cost has gone down. This year’s estimate is $113,000,000,000 - This year's cost of US illegal immigration. Approximately 75% of that cost is absorbed by the states. What follows is a partial breakdown of the costs U.S. taxpayers are paying out well in excess of $6.78 billion every year to incarcerate around 450,000 illegal immigrants, 12 Americans are murdered daily by illegal aliens, another 13 are killed by drunk illegal alien drivers – for another annual death toll of 4,745. That's 23,725 since Sept. 11, 2001. The cost of this cannot be measured with money, but the economical impact is put at $16.8 billion, $52 Billion to the educational system.
     Other costs that you cannot put a monetary value on, this is from a 2006 study by Dr. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin; This translates to 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sexual offenders coming across U.S. borders illegally per day. The 1500 offenders in this study had a total of 5,999 victims. Each sex offender averaged 4 victims. These places the estimate for victimization numbers around 960,000 for the 88 months examined in this study.
    We are at war and the politicians are playing election games with our lives. Every single politician in The United States of America Has violated their Oath of Office and most are guilty of treason. The reason not one person is Impeached is because they are all guilty.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Friday, November 4, 2011

An Update Unions Reviving Their Past

    Below is an article I wrote during the cowardly walkout of the Democrats during the Wisconsin public union reform battle and the aftermath which is sorely under reported. I am doing this because some people seem to have a short memory span and wish to move on to new protests as they realize the utter failure of past protest. They do not like this type of failure to remain in the public view, for others may want to adopt these programs which would sound the death knell for all unconstitutional public sector unions. The story below .s from lets run
. This got real quiet as to how it came out. Well, here are the results. Remember the violent and disgusting demonstrations over Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker doing away with collective bargaining for Teacher's unions? The results are in. Some school districts went from a $400,000 deficit to a $1,500,000 surplus as a result. They are even hiring new teachers, not firing like the Liberals said would happen.

Why? It seems that the insurance company that provided all the "so-called" benefits to the teachers was an insurance company owned and operated by the teacher's union. Since the outfit was guaranteed to get the insurance business from the teachers, and the State had to pay for it (not the teachers) the insurance company was increasing annual costs every single year to become the most expensive insurance company in the state. Then the company was donating millions and millions of dollars to its favorite democrat politicians who, when they got elected, guaranteed to keep funding the union's outrageous costs. In other words, the insurance company was a "pass through" for Wisconsin taxpayer money directly to the democrat politicians. Nice racket, and this is the racket that is going on in every single State that allows collective bargaining. No wonder the States are taking it away.

Now the State of Wisconsin is free to put the insurance contract out for bids and, lo and behold, they have saved so much money it has turned deficits into surplus amounts. As a result, none of the teachers had to be laid off, everyone got a raise, etc., etc., and the taxpayers of Wisconsin don't have to pay more taxes to fund the union's political ambitions. If you weren't aware of the reasons Gov. Walker was fighting to take away collective bargaining, it gives you an idea of the problem conservatives have:
     Here is just one example of the money laundering scheme where through Unconstitutional collective bargaining agreements the unions steal our money and clean it up to give to politicians overwhelmingly Democrats. Though the collective beginning system the tiny school district of Hartland Wisconsin-Lakeside was forced to deal with an insurance company called WEA Trust it was the sole creation of the Wisconsin Education Association to steal money from the tax payer and funnel it back to the Democrats as campaign donations. Superintendent Glenn Schilling asked WEA Trust why the rates were so high. "I could never get a definitive answer on that," says Schilling. You see they have nonunion workers and didn’t have to deal with the WEA which was charging a whopping 35% more than the other company.
The collective bargaining agreement ran out on June 30th and now under the new rules the district went shopping and instead of paying 2.5 million in taxpayer dollars they now pay 1.8 million dollars for the same coverage (Which I still think is insane) saving this one tiny little district $700,000. They are talking about hiring new teachers and everything under the sun. Here is a novel idea give it back to the taxpayers that have been screwed for god only knows how long. How bad are the American people getting screwed by unconstitutional public sector unions if this one tiny little district is saving $700,000 I wish I had an answer but I don’t. I also don’t have an answer why someone isn’t in jail. It is time to start throwing these crooked union heads and crooked politicians in jail and taking their property and position to pay the people of the United States of America back.
A Letter to the People,
      The unions from all across the nation are starting to revive their past in Wisconsin in what I think is a futile effort to maintain their strangle hold on the public sector workers and the radical far left leaning Democrats they put in office. The problem they have now compared to 60 or 70 years ago is the technology and type of media that operates on a 24 hour news cycle. In the past unions would threaten the small newspaper guy and his family to shut down a story. Whereas today you have wall to wall coverage of this public sector union’s illegal strike in Wisconsin. Because the stakes are so high in this battle hundreds of news media personnel are here. Then you have President Obama making a public statement for the unions and sending in the people that were on his election team with the DNC. The left is pulling out all the stops in their bid to try and hold onto their golden goose, “We the People”.
     Once the left arrives it goes from a group of people holding signs to a larger group hurling vicious verbal assaults at the Republican politicians and anyone that opposed their viewpoint. Then with all the imported radical left personnel they turn it into a media circus. Guest speakers and union bosses from around the country show up to fan the flames of hatred hoping for the worst. All this as the cowardly Democrats hide out with their heads in the sand and allow the DNC and other Union support group’s to ship in thugs still versed in the old ways to commit acts of terror against the innocent. Every day that those cowards kept their heads in the sand it increased the likely hood that something bad would happen to the Republicans. Death threats for everybody, the passing out of the phone numbers and addresses, protest at the homes of the politicians, scaring women and little children in Wisconsin.
   There were hundreds and possibly thousands of threats to the Republicans in Wisconsin during the union rally. Unlike the past it is much harder to get away with crime as proven here by the arrest of Katherine Windels on four counts: two relating to “threatening injury or harm” and two for “bomb scares” related to the latest round of protests. There should be more. The A.P. still carrying the Dems water tried to down play the story by posting it as a local story to hide it from National scrutiny. This one incident in alone in Wisconsin is reason enough for all freedom loving group to come together, unite and encourage all the Politicians to break the stranglehold that the Public Sector Unions have been given over the State and Local budgets by previous Administrations, Republican and Democrat alike.
    Please tell the politicians every chance you get that they must reform the Public Sector Unions not only because average Americans cannot keep up with the soaring wages and benefits but they are also destroying our country.
                                                                                                         Thank You
                                                                                                    Mark A Joppa


Being a fan of learning about ancient history and the civilizations that preceded ours, I can only sit and wait like everyone else as to whether or not that when the Mayan calendar comes to an end at the end of 2012 the apocalyptic forecast of world as we know it coming to an end will happen. While the possibility of this happening is extremely remote we are facing an approaching apocalypse here in the United States of America.
     While I make no claim that I am a prophet it is our actions and ours alone that can and has to stop the upcoming apocalypse form destroying our great nation. Some of you may have already figured out that I am referring to the Presidential election in 2012, some may also already know and have grasp of the serious nature of the upcoming vote. The reason for writing this article is to get people to take this vote seriously and get involved. You may think using word like apocalypse and destruction are over the top and unwarranted I hope you are right, and America will get rid of Obama and his band of radicals in a landslide. If I am correct and Americans sit idly by, this country will not survive another four years of Unconstitutional actions and being attacked and destroyed from the very people that have taken an oath to protect it.
     The great unifier the man that was to bring this country the man the media said could bring this country together as the first black President Barack Hussein Obama has turned out to be the greatest demagogue and as such men have done in the past he has separated this country into two groups and created class warfare in this country like it has never been seen before. He has accomplished this by using some of the very things the bible warns us of jealousy and envy two of the seven deadly sins now we know the power of these emotions. It is these two emotions that were the cause of the most barbaric action of man against man. This is the group that wants what you have, what you have worked and sacrificed for, and they think it is there right to take what you have and it is you that is the cause of the world’s problems. They are not above doing or saying anything to get what you have.
     In the other group are the people that believe the rule of law and the Constitution as written not interpreted by activist judges and power hungry politicians is the path this Great Country should follow. It is the hard working law abiding citizen that has been awakened from there slumber that has finally stood up and said no more, you are destroying the family as we know it you are stealing our money and corrupting the moral of our children with your perverted view of education.
     It is critical that we not let the last few years of progress go to our heads, it is critical that we not let the last few years of hard work go to waste and it is critical that we don’t let down now and it is critical that we defeat Obama in 2012

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Obama Master of the Unconstitutional Executive Order?

This will have to be a series of articles as I do not have time to sit and write something that undoubtedly will be as long as the Heath Care Bill. All of President Obama’s executive orders are list in alphabetical order on this site,  This series will take a look at all of the Executive Orders the POTUS has signed and try simplify, put them in standard English and reviewed them for their Constitutionality. This series will focus on the Executive Orders that are unconstitutional or are highly suspect for the reason of writing such an Executive Order
     E.O. 13489 Presidential Records. This is the very first executive if it is Constitutional it shouldn’t be E.O. 13489 Presidential Records Was Signed by Obama to prevent any records about his civilian life being made public. Why would the POTUS want to hide what school he went to, or show his collage loans papers or his passport records and why would he spend over 2 million dollars fighting the release of the most basic paperwork concerning his life in the U.S.
     E.O.13494 Economy in Government Contracts. Sounds good to me, but what does it say? It says that any and all activities related to organizing for unions by any contractor doing Business with the government will be deem as an allowable cost and charged to the taxpayer thing listed as allowable in Section 4 (a) preparing and distributing materials. (b) Hiring or consulting legal counsel or consultants. (c) Attending meetings (including paying the salaries of the attendees at meetings held for this purpose); and (d) planning or conducting activities by managers, supervisors or union representatives during working hours.
     If I understand this the taxpayers are forced to pay for people previously not unionized to attempt to unionize. Which includes all the legal fees and pamphlets and fliers and signs and anything else that the unions said was a cost of unionizing. Nowhere in the constitution does it say taxpayer should pay for people to unionize. Unconstitutional. An afterthought just as I was getting ready to post this the RICO Act popped into my mind If the mafia can be charged under RICO for making people hire a certain garbage collection firm why can’t the President be charged for make the companies that do business with the Government hire Unionized workers at most likely A hire wage rate and what does the company do with its long time workers????Fire them and make us pay for their unemployment pay for their unemployment. It can also be considered bid rigging all these added costs make it harder for the competition
     E.O.13495 Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts is an extension of E.O. 13494 which says now that the taxpayers have paid to unionize these people if the contract with the government is lost to another company the new company must hire the people from the old company no matter how unsuitable their work is. No company in America can be told by the government which people to hire. Unconstitutional.
     Executive Order 13497 Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Regulatory Planning and Review This E.O. seems to get rid minor things like agencies looking for future market problem and agencies have to give a cost benefit analysis also anything that would affect the economy adversely by 100 million or more, rules and regulation revues, minor the like that. Not Unconstitutional but why take away such safeguards.
     Executive Order 13498 Amendments to Executive Order 13199 and Establishment of the President's Advisory Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. This E.O. may be the first of many this inquiry may find. In this case we have 1 Unconstitutional E.O. replacing another. In this case we the giving money to the church to run programs that are much the same in service as a wide range of other programs the government already runs, in an attempt to make it more palatable so the progressives can dump money into their far left agenda being pushed so called community organizations such as ACORN. Yes ACORN is still around and is pushing to regain millions of your tax dollars to push the Progressive ideology.
     If they both accomplish the same thing why the change? In E.O. 13199 it states “The delivery of social services must be result orientated and should value the bedrock principles of pluralism, nondiscrimination, even handedness and neutrality. In E.O. 13498 the last statement is stricken and replaced with words as follows; “guaranteeing equal protection of the laws and the free exercise of religion and forbidding the establishment of religion. The Federal Government must insure that organizations receiving federal money achieve measureable in furtherance or valid public proposes.”
     This change in section one almost sounds like they are trying to set up a Communist type state in the inner city which most of these so called “Community organizations are located. “Forbidding the establishment of religion” that statement alone sounds ominous. These programs are nothing but a giant vote buy fraud perpetuated on the American people.
     Just looking at the first 10 of President Obama’s Executive Orders Has opened my eyes to the huge extent to which the American people are being victimized by their own government and the President. How long has this been going on? How many Presidents have used the Executive Order to victimize the American people? How much money has been stolen from the American people by their own government? I do not have the answer to those questions yet but I will try to get them as should all those that read this series.
     It is not just the President involved in this unending fraud; it is every elected official in government that is allowing this to happen. Why? Best guess is don’t rock the Democrats boat and they won’t rock the Republicans boat is my only guess.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Obama Ideology

 All though the dark the times for the U.S. were started under the Presidency of the Republican Progressive George Bush which led to the total loss of the House and Senate for his final two years in office, it wasn’t until Mr. Hope and Change (I hope I can handle this job and I am going to change the U.S. into my bastardized vision of the world should look like) Barack Hussein Obama was elected and joined forces with the progressive socialist, globalists leaders of the house and Senate Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid that things truly went out of control.
     When all is said and done this may have been the best outcome for the people of the U.S.A. as the people have gotten to view how destructive 6 years of the Progressive ideology has been to our country. They have shredded the Constitution destroyed our economic system, taken our money and our grandchildren’s future, promoted class warfare and openly supported the breaking of laws and insurrection, not in the name of the Constitution but in the name of a One World Government Order. This vision of the Progressives seeks to take the power and wealth of the U.S.A. and give it to the rest of the world because we are bad; we have too much money which the already failed Progressive Communist states need to make everyone equal which is impossibility. They seek to stop the American people from using the vast resources of our nation, the resources which until recently made us the envy of the world and made us rich.
This regime has been using borrowed money from countries such as China to give to other counties around the world which the American taxpayer has to pay interest on and pay back so these countries can exploit their own resources and make Americans give their money to countries around the world that hate us and will someday use this money to kill us. The USDA uses about $140 billion that is borrowed for its budget of which $35 Billion is used to buy food and send to countries, again which hate us so their children can grow up strong and someday kill us. I see a pattern emerging here.
    All this is accomplished through the greatest fraud and money laundering scheme in the history of the world and it comes at the expense of the 49% of Americans that pay taxes. The Progressives which never met a law they were not afraid to break, realized long ago that the majority of Americans had faith in their Government that they were doing the right thing for the American people and they were too busy going to work raising their children and worrying about paying their bill to pay attention or get involved with the political process. Over the last five decades the Progressives made an unholy alliance with unconstitutional public unions whereby they took massive amounts of taxpayer money and gave the unions everything and anything they wanted. In return the unions enriched by taxpayer money turned around and has given trillions of taxpayer dollars back to the Progressives so the fund their smear campaigns against conservatives and stay in power to continue the greatest theft in the history of the world the raping of America.
     Earlier in the article it was stated “When all is said and done this may have been the best outcome for the people of the U.S.A.” This is because it has awakened all of America and has spontaneously united Americans from all walks of life into millions of small groups called in whole “The Tea Party”. These groups do not vote base race or color or ideology the vote on principle and have one major goal ; restoring the Constitution to its rightful place as the most important document ever written.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Herman Caine, America’s first Black President

    While it true any Republican candidate will change the course of America for the better, it is Herman Caine alone can change the course of America for the next 50 years. A Herman Caine candidacy has the possibility of totally disrupting if not destroying the Democratic Party getting an estimated 35% of the black vote, historic numbers for any Republican Presidential candidate. If Caine is teamed up with someone like Mark Rubio it could devastate the Democratic Party for decades.
   All this can be accomplished by Herman Caine running as the first black American to be the headliner on the ticket of a major political party. People will say Obama is the first black President some even say Bill Clinton was the first black President. Barack Obama was having a hard time getting labeled a black man even after being elected and the mainstream media proclaiming him to be a god and savior of America, as reported by the AP in a 2008 and printed in the Huffington Post.
There are many other examples as sighted in a 2007 article in Time U.S.
Stanley Crouch recently sniffed in a New York Daily News column entitled "What Obama Isn't: Black Like Me." "Black, in our political and social vocabulary, means those descended from West African slaves," wrote Debra Dickerson on the liberal website Salon. Writers like TIME and New Republic columnist Peter Beinart have argued that Obama is seen as a "good black," and thus has less of following among black people. Meanwhile, agitators like Al Sharpton are seen as the authentic "bad blacks." Obama's trouble, asserted Beinart, is that he will have to prove his loyalty to The People in a way that "bad blacks" never have to.

Read more:,8599,1584736,00.html#ixzz1bEs94cYf
    Comparing the upbringing of the two men as Herman Caine is fond of saying “Is like comparing apples and oranges.” President Obama’s parents consist of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas, which means he is of a multi-racial heritage and still raises concerns if he is a native born American. Herman Caine’s parents are both black, born and raised in the U.S.A.

      Obama was born on August 4, 1961, at KapiĘ»olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital according to documents produced by him after years of pressure and millions of dollars spent trying to hide his past which causes some to believe that the documents are forged. Herman Caine born, December 13, 1945, has no problem proving he was born in America.
     Taking a look at their life’s history President Obama who is believed to be born in 1961 and spent most of his formative years with his white mother and then with his white grandmother in Hawaii after his Communist father abandoned him and his mother to go back to Kenya and later spend time in Washington State mainly with white people and attend the “Little Red (Communist) Church on the hill”. President Obama never felt the firsthand effects of the Civil Rights battles of the early 1960’s. Herman Caine was born in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lenora Caine (nĂ©e Davis), a cleaning woman, and Luther Cain, Jr., who was raised on a farm and worked as a chauffeur, barber and janitor. Mr. Caine experienced the segregation and racism firsthand.
     President Obama used his privileged up bringing to become community organizer, Senator and finally President of the U.S.A. all along the way taking and never giving or building anything. Herman Caine used his not so privileged up bringing to go to school work hard and became a very very productive African American.
 He is the former chairman and CEO of Godfather's Pizza and a former chairman (Omaha Branch board 1989–91), deputy chairman (1992–94) and chairman (1995–96) of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.[5] Before his business career he worked as a mathematician in ballistics as a civilian employee of the United States Navy.[6][7] He lives in the Atlanta suburbs, where he also serves as an associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church North.
     Who is the Black American and better role model for the young if the choice is between President Obama and Herman Caine? Make your own choice as I have made mine.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Preamble of the Constitution

      I did not start with the idea of breaking down the Constitution bit by bit but when I saw the amount of information that has been lost in the teaching of the Constitution this will be the best way to get people to understand the who, what and why about the Constitution. Most of the information I will present is common knowledge it is all out there if you want to look and find it. There is no grand conspiracy to cover it up, it is my guess that in the beginning there was no need to rewrite books tear out pages or try to hide anything. It was hard to track down information a long with at one time people had trust in the government and they relied on the lack of educated people in the early years of America. No one ever dreamed that all information would one day be at the tips of your fingers.
     I am taking on this project because I have often heard liberals say things such as, how are we to know what the Founding Fathers were thinking when they wrote this or that. The Constitution was meant to be a living breathing document or it is just a framework meant to be changed with the times we live in. I will present the things that I have found during my research, hopefully in an orderly manner so the reader can decide for his or her self on the intent of “We the People“ and our Founding Fathers as to what they sought to accomplish. This first section is a bit lengthy I hope you don’t get bored.
The preamble of The Constitution according to the way courts have looked at it, contains reliable evidence of the Founding Fathers intentions of what they wanted to accomplish with the writing of The Constitution as the document to replace the The Articles of Confederation.

     We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

     Looking at it as an Average American this is how I see it. The preamble starts off with the most important phrase in The Constitution. If there is any doubt or confusion at all the questions should return to the phrase “We the People“. Every question on any tax, law, regulation should come back to “We the People“ because we were the sovereigns for the first time in the history of the world. We won our freedom from The Sovereign King George of England, when that happened we had no government no king or queen, we were sovereign people we paid no tax we answered to no one, we were Kings and Queens. Now understanding the conditions that the Articles of Confederation and The Constitution were written under, if any question should arise what do you think the Kings and Queens of America intended when they gave their permission to have a limited Constitution or in other words a document to limit the power of government. They had just fought a long and bloody war for their freedom, do you think they intended to have a document that one day tax them into poverty and allow federal officials to take their money and give it to their neighbor.

     Following that phrase is “to create a more perfect Union“ the word Union simply put is the joining of the individual states. The whole phrase taken in its entirety refers to the joining of the states as a way of more perfectly defending themselves against the super powers of the day England France and Spain. Individually a state fighting alone did not stand a chance of winning so the Constitution banded them together in mutual defence of each other. Another reason for the phrase “to create a more perfect Union“ under the Articles of confederation there was no central power to allow for the settling of disputes between states or the citizens of the states. That is the reason for the the third partner in the co equal government of the United states of America. Just by joining together they stood a better chance of creating a more perfect Union because the ideas about government were shared and not spread out over thirteen states with thirteen sets of rules.
     At this point we now have “We the People of The United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, We are now up to one of the phrases that the government uses to illegally tax us, promote the general welfare. To start off the Federal Government has no legal basis for using the general welfare clause no where in the Constitution is it written that the Federal Government has any right to look after the general welfare of we the Sovereign people of the United States. That phrase is the primary reason the tenth amendment was written and ratified in 1791.

     The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

     The general welfare clause is also called the spending clause because the the government uses it to justify spending money on everything, as it is not allowed in the constitution which is a document written to limit the power of the Federal government it is left up to the states to spend the money or the people to spend it through charity.
To finish up the preamble we have “secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. This part of the preamble deals with us the people and our children or our Posterity, I don’t need a book to figure out the meaning of this. All I have to do think back to around the time the Constitution was written people carrying weapons for hunting and protection the government couldn’t come onto your land or invade your house, there was barely a tax to be seen and I compare it to today. Do you think you are as free as the people over 200 years ago or do you think that your children will even be as free as you and I. All I can think about are all the rights the money and the blood that those greedy SOB’s in power have stolen from us and continue to steal from “We the people“ The rightful owners of the United States after the Revolution war every citizen was a sovereign, a KING or a QUEEN who gave that away and when did it happen
  • Mark Joppa

  • Tuesday, June 28, 2011



    by Mark Joppa on Thursday, June 9, 2011 at 6:08am
    Raise your hand if you that there is going to be a debt ceiling crisis, how many people knew last month,how many 3 months ago. how many knew 6 months ago. Do you see where I Am going here? They knew at least 9 months ago there was going to be this battle. Did anyone try to ease the government through this, anyone Republican or Democrat

    Morning post: The debt ceiling debate will be heating up again very soon. In the first article I basically said nothing would happen and I was correct. Who would have thought this disabled printer with a high school education, with no economics degree from Harvard or Yale could have figured that one out. But the morons went and stole the money from retirement plans. They have to be trying to screw us on purpose. They know the truth about what is coming and they could have eased through this by implementing a few minor changes. Things such as a hiring freeze and a modified work in order to have the money to continue on but no they put the pedal to the metal when the tank was on empty.
         I haven’t done the numbers yet for the one coming but it won't be pretty. What the hell is going on, supposedly we have a bunch smart people looking at this crap how could these people not ease up. They know this know we are going to reach the ceiling soon all. What, do these people think we are stupid?  We could have gotten through this almost painlessly. But they want a crisis, I say that because there has not been one single cut back or modification made by the people in power.
         The only reason for not stepping in and doing something is that the leaders in both parties want to see a crisis. In the case of the debt ceiling it is not just the socialist Democratic party involved in sticking it to the people it is both parties otherwise something would have been done. They both want a crisis so they just let one happen.
           If anyone reading this knows of a cutback or a modification made or any attempt to slow the government down please tell me. They sit there in the Washington pointing fingers and blaming each other when they know damn well we could have gotten through this as just a little bump in the road.
          I will say it again they knew six months ago that the debt ceiling was going to be reached and no one did a damn thing to stop it. They comfortable to sit and point fingers and blame each other while the average American is going to get screwed. There Republicans are going to say we couldn’t do everything we wanted to because we had to comprise

    Friday, June 24, 2011

    Does Obama want a Revolution here?

         As Obama was giving his speech Thursday night, many topics that he covered don‘t exist in the Constitution. One of the topics that was spoken about which President Obama seemed very excited over was, creating jobs and economic opportunities for people. The problem is that he's like the USDA, both want to spend billions of you tax dollars in foreign countries for foreign jobs. The USDA spends billions of tax payer dollars on, The Farm and Foreign Agricultural Service which in turn is spending $11.8 billion dollars overseas. Now President Obama wants to spend billions more of your tax dollars on his plan for the Egyptian economy. Most Americans would like to know if he has a plan for the U.S. economy.
         We have a financial disaster brewing here in the U.S. and President Obama is going to forgive $1 billion that Egypt owes us and guarantee another 1 billion in loans. President Obama also is going to set up billions of dollars in loans through the International Monetary Fund of which we are the major contributor. It goes on, President Obama say’s he is “working with Congress to create Enterprise Funds to invest in Tunisia and Egypt to launch a $2 billion facility to support private investment across the region“. It goes on “The United States will launch a comprehensive Trade and Investment Partnership Initiative in the Middle East and North Africa“Obama didn’t say how much this will cost. This is just the beginning what Obama is saying really is, I don‘t care about the $14 Trillion That We Owe Already. What I President Obama is willing to do is take billions and billion of dollars away from the tax payers of the United States of America and give it to a bunch third world countries, with absolutely no guarantee there will be a democracy take hold in any of them. As it stands right now the Egypt score book looks like this, Obama has forced out of office the head of a sovereign state and an ally. Mubarak may not have been a nice person but he did keep the terrorists under control and the Islamic religion in general. Obama has give away $1 billion of your money without asking, Obama is also going to spend untold billions more for Egypt and other third world countries, without asking the American people if they want borrow billions of dollars more and PAY INTEREST on that money only to give it to an unstable possibly hostile government.
        How long and how much money are you, willing to give to Egypt. This is only the first of many counties that President Obama plans to give your tax dollar to. How much is this going to cost the tax payers of the U.S. just to fuel President Obama‘s ego? Where in the constitution does the President get the authority to take American Tax Payer Money and give it away to people that hate us. Also under Islamic laws and traditions, they are sitting there saying America we love then go into the brand new Mosque we built them and laugh at us.
            During President Obama’s speech last night, he mentioned the rights and liberties that our Fore Fathers fought for and put into the constitution. He used words from the Constitution such as liberty, freedom and all men are created equal, he used those words from our constitution as if he were bestowing or granting those people the protections all Americans have under the Constitution. The problems the President creates when using those words and backing them up with the lives our sons and daughters shows a lack of understanding of the culture. Those words have already gotten thousands of people killed in Iran, which was the first country to revolt. Expecting support from the U.S., the young Iranians were slaughtered in the streets arrested and tortured beaten and abused and Obama the man who was behind the words let the insane government in Iran stay in place. Yet when it came to our allies that keep the insane people in check, he forces them out of power to let practicing Muslims control the country. Qaddafi's did not kill anyone he said he would kill his people is that any reason under the Constitution for President Obama to go to war. What president Obama is doing is insane.
           When Hitler came to power in the 1930’s the world watched as Hitler slowly and steadily push the Jews toward annihilation. The world watched as Hitler grew his army and continued killing the Jews. The world watched while Hitler started a World War and tried to wipe the Jews from the face off the earth. When the war was over the world looked at each other and said how could we not see this coming. They saw it coming and they ignored it. Now we have President Obama picking and choosing who is in power in the middle east and it is all the wrong people so far, The only thing I can do about it is write about it and when Iran drops a nuke on Israel or every country that surrounds Israel attacks with weapons supplied by President Obama I can say I saw it coming and it was exactly what President Obama wanted. Mosad where are you when we need you?
            I truly believe everyday this man is in power he is a danger to Israel and the world.

    Sunday, June 19, 2011

    Posted by Raquel on Mar 29th, 2011 and filed under Archive. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry


          This is an article which I wrote 90 days ago and is more valid today than it ever was. Our lying thieving, racist, anti-Semite and an embarrassment to America and this most respected office in the entire world President Barack Hussein Obama has again ignored the Constitution of the United States of America. He first violated the Constitution by committing an act of war against Libya for as he stated "humanitarian purposes". In the constitution it states In Article one Section Eight;  "The Congress shall have Power To Declare War". I don't care what your reasoning is or what slick little name they come up with ,if you drop bombs on a country for 90 day''s and murder thousands of people you have committed an act of war. Using the War Powers Act did not apply, Libya was not attacking us. Again using the War Powers Act The Chief Butcher of the United States was supposed to get authorization from Congress to go past 90 days, but the only President to make Jimmy Carter look good is totally ignoring Congress and the Constitution
         The man should be tried for war crimes and treason. He should be shot and hung......MJ

    By: Mark A. Joppa (Mark is a tea party enthusiast in the Hudson Valley, New York.)
    The United Nations and United States are a bunch of thugs committing war crimes in Libya.
    Sitting here finishing this story today, breaking news emerges that Susan Rice, US Permanent Representative to the United Nations, announced that the goal of the United States, as maintaining the no fly zone, and  protecting the “rebels,” is for a non Kaddafi-led Libya.  Rice is calling for cuts to Kaddafi’s lines of communication and supply lines, squeezing the Libyan Army, assisting the “rebels” with food and medical supplies, oh and one last little thing – ARMS!
    Are these people out of their minds?  With reports that a lot of this could have been fueled by Iran and Al-Qaida and others, no one knows exactly who the “rebels” are (this is in the resolution).  If they weren't already, they are now a bunch of bullies running around the world committing war crimes with a huge arsenal of weapons including nuclear.
    Sunday on the talking head shows Defense Secretary Gates stated “Libya is not in the vital to the interest of the US,” and Queen Hillary stated that she was “positive” that Kaddafi was probably, or maybe could, or might possibly, commit some kind of probable retaliation if the US did not interfere with the civil war in Libya.  She also indicated that regime change was not the US policy.  Strangely enough, none of these conflicting sentiments are part of the UN resolution, but this is:
    “Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the Foreign Minister of France, Alain JuppĂ©, said “the situation on the ground is more alarming than ever, marked by the violent re-conquest of cities that have been released.”  The Security Council could not stand by and “let the warmongers flout international legality.””
    They are all liars and war criminals and our half-white president should be impeached. They are illegally murdering the Libyan Army so the “rebels” can take over and kill the rest of the Army.
    Reaching out to officials
    After calling 10 Senators and a few members of the House of Representatives, I had to call it quits for the day on the subject of impeachment. Time after time, I received answers that I think are inadequate and I will never be persuaded otherwise.  Some of the Representatives used the excuse that they do not answer questions of those that are not their constitutes, but the all powerful Speaker of the House weepy Boehner had his staff reply that they have no plans to impeach our President  Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.
    On the Senate side, I received answers ranging from a flat out no from Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer of New York to a flat out no from our other Republican tower of power Senator Mr. Mitch  “I love pork” McConnell.  I was ready to give up all hope of getting any kind of favorable answer until a tiny glimmer of hope arose. That glimmer came from one of the Tea Party supported people, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida.  His staff said they were going to haul the President in front of the House Foreign Affairs Committee this week.
    I can only hope that they recommend impeachment for President Obama not only for going to war illegally, but also for illegally expanding his executive powers.
    Using the assertion that the law called the War Powers Act is not constitutional, when it states in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution that “the Congress shall have Power to Declare War,” President Obama bypassed Congress and has engaged America in an illegal war.  The President, did what is now becoming predictable, he expanded the meaning of section S.1541(c) which is the section of the law that allows the President to go to war to include going to war under the guise of a Humanitarian Act. Section S.1541(c) which states:
    “(c) Presidential Executive Power as Commander-in-Chief; Limitation The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.”
    And then to further insult the American people, President Obama usurped the power of Congress by allowing the United Nations to tell the United States it was time to go to war.  The moment Obama entered into the illegal war, he went above and beyond the United Nations Resolution of a no fly zone.   This is the first time in my life that I have ever been ashamed of the Armed Forces of the United States, and America.
    Everyone that is a United States citizen should be ashamed embarrassed and more than anything, they should be ANGRY to see that the President has turned the best fighting force in the world, into just a bunch of murderous thugs.   I believe history will prove me right – there is a dark cloud over the United States today.

    Thursday, June 16, 2011

    The USDA Should we get rid of it?

    Today on C- SPAN the Agriculture Dept. Budget it is not entertaining but should be watched by all Americans.
         The USDA is taking your and giving free food to to countries that hate us and likes I am all for charity but would take your credit card and buy food for everyone in the next town over. Charity begins at home. We are borrowing money and paying interest on that money to give food to other countries that have the to feed themselves and the politicians keep saying we have starving people here does that make sense???
    Department of Agriculture Wasting Your Money
    By: Mark Joppa (Mark is a tea party activist in the Hudson Valley, New York)
    The United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) in fiscal year 2010 had a combined budget of 134 billion dollars, I’m sorry that is just insane. In fiscal year 2007 the USDA had a poultry budget of 88 billion dollars.  What the hell could the Department of Agriculture spend 88 billion dollars on in 2007?  Never mind 2007, let’s move more into the present and discuss the 2011 budget.
    President Obama has proposed a budget for the USDA of another poultry sum of 145 billion dollars. In these tough times with high unemployment and the historically high national debt, how in the world can President Obama propose a budget of 145 billion dollars for the USDA?  The man has lost it.  Does he think this is the way to get the country going again?
    Why the agency is named the USDA or “The United States Department of Agriculture” in the first place and what does it mean? The legal definition of “United States” is,  includes the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth an of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Wake Island, the Midway Islands, Kingman Reef, and Johnston Island.
    The next word up is “Department”, one of the principal divisions of the U.S. federal government, headed by a Secretary who is a member of the President's cabinet Not many of us can say we had the first one right, but I’m pretty sure pretty sure everyone has “Department” correct.
    Onto the final word “Agriculture”, 1) farming: the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock,  2) Agriculture is the production of food and goods through farming, 3) The art or science of cultivating the ground, including the harvesting of crops, and the rearing and management of livestock; tillage; husbandry; farming. I think we all have that one correct.
    I listed three definitions for “Agriculture” for a reason; it doesn’t come close to what I thought it meant. When you add the word agriculture to the words “The United States Department of . . .” it seems to have magically changed the definition to something that is almost indefinable.
    “The Secretary of Agriculture, assisted by the Deputy Secretary, the Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries and members of their immediate staffs, directs and coordinates the work of the Department. Provide policy direction for all of the Departments responsibilities including research, educational and regulatory activities, nutrition, conservation and farm programs, forestry and International Farming.”
    Wow, the office of the Secretary of Agriculture sure has a lot of responsibility and power!  Identifying the lengthy list of Departments, Agencies and Companies that fall directly or indirectly under the auspices of the USDA and in turn those agencies have multiple agencies under them and so on and so on, alone, will have your head spinning (listed below).  (I would have to write a series of twenty or more articles to truly explain the enormous duplicating nature, fraud and abuse that occurs with so many sub companies and agencies).
    USDA has to be investigated and closed down
         The 2011 budget for the agency called the Department of Agriculture is $149,000,000,000.  It is nothing but a dumping ground for the socialist left wing of the Democrat Party, who have filled the thousands of numerous government positions with high paying salaries and cushy jobs, and in turn have lined the pockets of the Democrat Party.
    If we break things down, I bet less than 5% of the revenue reaches agriculture.  Most of the funds are spent enforcing existing rules on private business.  In three years this agency has had an increase of $46,000,000,000 under the Democrats.  Open your eyes America – the taxpayer is getting screwed.
           With so much to choose from the orderly way to write about all the agencies and programs of the USDA is start at the top of the index and try not to get sidetracked by the insanity of the complexity of the USDA. I my humble opinion there is only one reason to structure something like the USDA is structured and that’s to make the average American’s head explode before they made it through the first set of agencies (Raquel you can take that line out if you like) or make the average American give up and do what most people do and say “That’s the U.S. Government for you.”
           So let’s begin at the top of the 2012 Budget Proposal with the “Preface” that explains the terminology at a glance along with the hope and dreams of the agency which start off with the “Overview”. This goes onto say the following “Overview - Provide an overview of the 2012 budget by strategic goal and budget authority and outlays and identifies key budget proposals”  The ‘Overview lays out a basic form as to what types of programs that the money will be spent on and shows a comparison of FY 2011 Budget and the FY 2012 Budget. This is also where I had to double and triple check to make sure I was still looking at the FY 2012 Budget for the USDA. Page one was OK showing a chart comparing the budgets over the last 4 years the same goes for the top of page2, but on the bottom of page 2 there is a pie chart showing a slice of just 13% of the $145,000,000,000 budget going to what they term “Farm and Commodity Programs”. If I combine my Math and English skills together I come up with just a total of 18.2 billion dollars being spent on agriculture out of the 145 billion dollar Agriculture Department’s budget. I may not be the brightest person in the room and considering I think of myself as an average American I’m beginning to feel like the Robot in “Lost in Space” having a meltdown as the preceding sentence does not compute. As I scanned the pages of the Proposed Budget I was holding there was barely a mention of the words Farm or Agriculture for the next 12 pages until I finally reached ‘Mission Area/Agency Details”.
          The first section up in this area of the Budget is called “Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services” page 15 sounds good so far. Finally I have an agency home page that I can go to and find out what they spend the money on in the Agriculture portion of the Budget “The Farm Service Agency or FSA” I click on the address look under search I click on all FSA and find 15 more departments under the FSA.
           The reason I started looking into the USDA was because I was looking into waste and fraud in Hati and almost every agency I looked at in Hati led to the USDA so I started to look at the USDA instead and I have come to this conclusion one man can audit the USDA but he would have to give up his job, his social life, his wife and kids and have to move to Washington. I’ve been sitting here for 2 hours looking at the mass of data that I have collected so far on the first of 10 major agencies under the USDA and have to admit defeat. Have I proved anything not legally, but like some of the founding Fathers that warned about not using plain language,  John Adams criticized English legal language and the "useless words" in the colonial charters. Jefferson lambasted the traditional style of statutes,
               which from their verbosity, their endless tautologies, their involutions of case within case, and parenthesis within parenthesis, and their multiplied efforts at certainty by saids and aforesaid, by ors and by ands, to make them more plain, do really render them more perplexed and incomprehensible, not only to common readers, but to lawyers themselves
             what do they have to hide. In the budget they don’t talk about salaries as in weekly or yearly they use the term feral staff years or non- federal staff years, in some places they add administrative cost and salaries together and some places not, in some part they give the exact cost plus increase in others just the increase. Why is the USDA paying for reconstruction projects in Afghanistan? Why is the USDA spending 200.5 million to feed pre schoolers in other countries and another 156 million for food for progress whatever that is. FAS is paying the State Department n additional 7.4 million for overseas administration how much are the paying them already why are the paying another branch of government and on and on it makes me sick to see where and how our money is spent. That the reason they bury it in the USDA budget no one will look there.
            I suggest that everyone down load a copy of the USDA budget and bring your favorite parts to the attention of your Senator and Representative, I’m sure they will be happy to hear from you not….MJ